Introduction to Geology Summer HSSP 2007 Einat Lev & Christy Till Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences MIT Einat Lev & Christy Till Dept. of Earth, Atmospheric, and Planetary Sciences MIT
Why study geology?
Curiosity and passion for nature! Iguazu waterfalls, Argentina Torres del Paine, Chile Stromboli, Italy
Dept. of Transportation website IRIS website Geologic Hazards Landslides Volcanoes Earthquakes
Origin of life and the planets
An Intellectual Challenge Understanding nature!!! Mathematics Physics Chemistry Biology Engineering
… and we get to works OUTSIDE! GPS stations Seismometers Gravimeters
What do geologists do for a living?
Teaching Exploration Research labs Government Consulting and planning
HSSP Summer Topics Covered Intro to Geology & Plate Tectonics Volcanoes & Geochemistry Rock types Earthquakes & Seismology Earth’s Magnetic Field Determining the age of rocks Structural Geology Planetary Geology
“The ring of fire” = a high concentration of earthquakes and volcanoes around the Pacific ocean. Why are they there? Are there other “rings”? “The ring of fire” = a high concentration of earthquakes and volcanoes around the Pacific ocean. Why are they there? Are there other “rings”? “The Ring of Fire”
Earthquakes and Volcanoes around the world /images/Seismicity-world.gif re/hot/volcanoes/volcanoes_b2.html
Earthquakes of the world
Present day tectonic plates
Present day tectonic plates
1858: Antonio Snider-Pellegrini, French Geographer 1912 Alfred Lothar Wegener 32 year old meteorologist Proposed theory of “continental drift”
How do we know the plates fit together?
Location of the continents since 225 million years ago
Movie Movie – The break-up of Pangea Movie Movie – The break-up of Pangea
Why did Pangea break apart? How do the plates move?
The types of plate boundaries
Divergent boundaries (seafloor spreading) Movie
Divergent boundaries (seafloor spreading) Mid-ocean ridge
Mid-ocean ridges (MORs)
Modern example of a new divergent boundary
How do we study mid-ocean ridges? Black smoker erupting high temperature gases Lavas erupted underwater form pillow shapes
But the surface of the Earth isn’t growing…. How are plates destroyed?
The types of plate boundaries
Convergent boundaries (subduction zones) Movie
Convergent boundaries (subduction zones) ocean-ocean subductionocean-cont. subduction
Convergent boundaries (subduction zones) continent-continent collision ocean-continent subduction
Can we see the subducted plate? YES! Zhao et al, Science, 1997 Seismic tomography Earthquakes location
One other way plates interact
The types of plate boundaries
Transform boundaries (strike-slip faults) San Andreas Fault swers.htm
Movie - Transform plate boundary in Western US
What are the plates moving over?
What causes the plates to move?
What is the tectonic setting of Boston? MIT
Volcanoes!!! Next time –