Public Relations | Young People’s Outreach Presentation.


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Presentation transcript:

Public Relations | Young People’s Outreach Presentation

Introduction  Ever heard of Narcotics Anonymous?  “Clean Time”  What is Narcotics Anonymous?  Questions?

Why are we not here? We are not here to tell you: That you are addicts, but to inform you about Narcotics Anonymous. About specific drugs Medical information Personal stories

History  1953  50,000+ meetings a week  We are a 12 step program  Narcotics Anonymous was adapted from AA

Description of addict/ disease  What does an addict look like?

Description of addict/ disease  An addict is a man or woman for whom drugs have become a major problem and whose life has become unmanageable. It can be anyone from Park Avenue to park bench.

Description of addict/ disease  Denial is part of our disease that makes it difficult, if not impossible, for us to acknowledge reality. We define the “disease concept” as a chronic, progressive, fatal but treatable illness.

Am I an Addict? -Pamphlet  We feel that each individual has to answer the question for him or herself…  Questions from the pamphlet: 7, 8, 20, 28, and 29

Am I an Addict? -Pamphlet #7- Do you avoid people or places that do not approve of you using drugs?

Am I an Addict? -Pamphlet #8- Have you ever used a drug without knowing what it was or what it would do to you?

Am I an Addict? -Pamphlet #20- Have you ever thought you couldn’t fit in or have a good time without drugs?

Am I an Addict? -Pamphlet #28- Do you continue to use despite negative consequences?

Am I an Addict? -Pamphlet #29- Do you think you might have drug problem?  ?

Other Informational Pamphlets:

N.A. Meetings  Location, autonomous and anonymous…  Format/ Size…  Cost…  Not connected with any other organizations…  What people talk about…

Schedule/ Meeting List  How to find Narcotics Anonymous anywhere in the world  Website- local, regional, world  How to read the meeting list NA World Services P.O. Box 9999 Van Nuys, CA Website: Phone: FAX:

Fun in Recovery- Activities  Activities (dances, campouts, etc), having fun in recovery  After meeting socializing