Timing upgrades after LS1 Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT1
Outline Timing for frond-end computers CBCM (LHC injector chain) ◦Dedicated central timing for AD ◦New FESA interfaces ◦New SPS Start/Stop management ◦New SPS coast management ◦New SPS energy saving management ◦Master/Slave mechanism removed ◦Other changes ◦Planning Conclusion Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT2
Timing for front-end computers Timdt timing library ◦Available since mid 2012 ◦Integrated in FESA 3 ◦Compatible with TGM library in a same front- end ◦Need a specific startup sequence TimService instead of Get-tgm-tim & Timload TimService provides all services for timdt & TGM Local timing renovation ◦Replacement of all TG8s by CTRs ◦Part of the ACCOR project Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT3
CBCM: Dedicated central timing for AD AD removed from the LIC central timing AD will have its own central timing located in the building 193 Needed for the future ELENA decelerator Beam will be negotiated with their rdv points (PS extraction and AD injection) ◦Synchronization negotiated in absolute time ◦PS extraction and AD injection can move independently ◦No changes in the way the PS beams for ADE are declared in a BCD. Deployment for mid-march 2014 Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT4
CBCM: New FESA interfaces The CTIM GM class has been migrated to 4 FESA 3 classes: ◦CTIM_Machine (Machine phase) ◦CTIM_Virtual (Events family) ◦CTIM_Key (Events sent on the GMT cables) ◦CTIM_Asynchronous (Triggered events) The MTG GM class has been migrated to 2 FESA 3 classes: ◦MTG_ExCond (External conditions) ◦MTG_CCVGroup (Control of a Telegram group) The CYPAR GM class has been migrated to the CycleParam FESA 3 class All the new FESA device names will have the suffix "-CTML" instead of "-CTM“ (ex: EC.128-CTM EC.128-CTML) Consult the wiki page to know the relationship between the GM and new FESA classes Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT5
CBCM: New SPS Start/Stop management ROCS replaced by the FGCD framework Pulse start/stop will be managed by the FGCs at any place in a supercycle Pulse start/stop synchronized with the central timing The pulse start/stop BCDs will be not required anymore in a sequence. Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT6
CBCM: New SPS COAST management The FGCs will be able to suspend/recover the execution of a function. It will be driven by the timing. To be coastable, a SPS cycle must be : ◦Declared as coastable ◦To be alone in the supercycle ◦The same cycle must be declared in normal and spare. ◦The normal must be linked to the PS but not the spare The LIC central timing ◦will go in coast on demand ◦will play the normal or the spare depending on the coast state Normal for coast prepare, ‘spare’ for coast and coast recover During a SPS coast ◦Impossible to change the sequence/BCD being executed ◦Impossible to change the SPS supercycle BCDs for coast prepare, coast and coast recover are not needed anymore in a sequence Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT7
CBCM: New SPS energy saving management The full economy mode will be able to start at any place in the supercycle Partial economy mode will be controlled only by the BCT which measures the beam in the SPS injection line. All these new SPS features are described in a document (draft state) Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT8
CBCM: Master/Slave mechanism removed Master/Slave mechanism was used to upgrade the LIC central timing in real time ◦Functionality not used since LHC ◦Upgrades made only during technical stops or shutdowns Disruption of the timing distribution during an upgrade Fast upgrade rollback is implemented Significant simplification of the LIC central timing ◦2 front-ends instead of 5 Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT9
CBCM: Other changes All the SPS legacy timing events have been removed ◦OX.xxxx-CT, OIX.xxxx-CT, OEX.xxxx-CT Ion & Proton at the same time in the SPS ◦Ion for North area & proton for other destinations ◦The central timing will help to protect the North area from receiving protons Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT10
CBCM: Planning After mid-March, smooth upgrades will be necessary to tweak the central timing systems. Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT11 DescriptionDate LIC central timing - Phase 1 - Hardware renovation - FESA classes 26 November 2013 LIC central timing - Phase 2 - AD removed from LIC - New SPS facility Mid-March 2014 AD central timingMid-March 2014
Conclusion No revolution but significant improvements to the Operation No new constraints added to the Operation Some complexities have been removed ◦Simplifies diagnostics ◦Increases the reliability Jean-Claude BAU BE-CO-HT12