AP Chemistry D. Paskowski
Research Use at least three sources – one must be a book Collect all information for proper citation All sources of data, photos, graphs, tables, etc. must be cited. Be sure to address all issues listed on your assigned topic
Types of Presentations PowerPoint slides Posters Story book Lecture with handouts Ideas?
Tables of Data Graphs Time Lines Diagrams Photographs
PowerPoint Slides Less is more: do not fill the slide with long sentences like this slide. There is too much information listed here which I will discuss in my presentation. Use the slides as prompts, not as the text of your presentation. Poster Less is more here also. The poster should be eye-catching with pictures and succinct labels. The presenter should be discussing the information, not the poster. The poster should enhance your presentation. It should not BE the presentation. Story Book The presenter should read and explain the information in the book. The book should be simple and a story that discusses all of the information required. Lecture The notes should not be your lecture verbatim. The notes should be an outline of the information you would like to discuss with the class. Slides This slide is an example of what you SHOULD NOT DO. Its BORING and unnecessary to have this much information on any slide.
4321 Organization Is organized and integrates necessary materials or extra materials to enhance presentation. Is organized and integrates necessary materials. Sometimes appears unorganized and missing necessary materials. Not organized. Does not have necessary materials for the presentation. Audience engagement and pace Pacing enhances presentation and is used effectively to create emphasis, build and maintain audience interest. Pacing is used appropriately to create emphasis. Holds audience interest. Pacing is uneven. Does not maintain audience interest. Pacing interferes or detracts from the presentation. Appropriate language and appropriate volume Speaks clearly and expressively with a tone that enhances the presentation. Speaks clearly and expressively with a tone appropriate to the presentation. Sometimes speaks clearly and expressively with a tone appropriate to the presentation. Does not speak clearly and expressively with a tone appropriate to the presentation.
3 – 5 typed pages Title page Introduction Brief overview of topic Information Well organized into appropriate paragraphs Conclusion Bibliography Pictures or graphs must be properly cited and pasted within the document, not added on as extra pages.
4321 Ideas and Content Articulates a central idea appropriate to the task and discipline. Innovatively and creatively presents the central idea using relevant evidence. Articulates a central idea appropriate to the task and discipline. Presents central idea using relevant evidence. The central idea is not clearly stated or is undeveloped, or does not fully address the task and discipline. The topic is unclear or does not address the task and discipline. Word Choice Skillfully and imaginatively uses varied language/vocabulary appropriate to the task and discipline. Accurately uses varied language/vocabulary appropriate to the task and discipline. Uses language/vocabulary that is sometimes inappropriate or redundant to the task and discipline. Uses language/vocabulary that is inappropriate to the task and discipline. Grammar and Conventions Has few or no errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that do not interfere with communication. Has some errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that do not interfere with communication. Has many errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that somewhat interfere with communication. Has serious errors in spelling, grammar, punctuation or presentation that interfere with communication. Information from Sources Independently locates, gathers and organizes information from a variety of sources. Cannot locate, gather and organize information from a variety of sources even with teacher support.