Of Mice and Men Thesis Statements
Topic Sentence Important Things to Know about Topic Sentences 1. Support thesis statement 2. Provide main ideas/examples to prove your thesis. IT IS NOT – A Quote – Question – Plot Summary Exercise: Create three topic sentences for the thesis statement below. Steinbeck, in his novel Of Mice and Men, evokes sympathy for his characters by depicting them as misfits in society due to their physical or intellectual limitations. Topic Sentence
Thesis #1 Write a thesis/topic sentences for the following question. Dreams: What is the importance of dreams in Of Mice and Men? What role do they play in people’s lives? Thesis #1
Write a thesis statement and topic sentences for the following prompt. Discrimination: Look at the various examples of discrimination in Of Mice and Men. How does discrimination affect different characters? Thesis #2
Power. Think about different characters in Of Mice and Men, and the power that they have. What different kinds of power do different characters have? Where does it come from? Thesis #3
Loneliness. Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men seem lonely Loneliness. Many of the characters in Of Mice and Men seem lonely. Why are various characters lonely, and how does it affect them? Thesis #4
In of Mice and Men several people can be said to hold blame for the killing of Curly’s wife. Decide which person or groups of persons you believe are responsible for this death and discuss your reasonings. Thesis #5