Computer Vision Driven Micro- Aerial Vehicle (MAV): Obstacles Avoidance Lim-Kwan (Kenny) Kong - Graduate Student Dr. Jie Sheng - Faculty Advisor Dr. Ankur Teredesai - Faculty Advisor Lim-Kwan (Kenny) Kong - Graduate Student Dr. Jie Sheng - Faculty Advisor Dr. Ankur Teredesai - Faculty Advisor
The Idea Using quad-rotor (quad-copter) Stream video using mono camera Detect static obstacles using computer vision algorithms Avoid the obstacles
Steps 1. Reverse engineer the AR.Drone 2. Implement 2-3 obstacle avoidance algorithms 3. Testing 4. Collaboration: 1. Ji’s object tracking algorithm 2. Sid’s Pi-map reduce algorithm
Obstacle avoidance Algorithm Figure 2. Optical flow differences [2] Figure 1. The basic program flow
Outcome Basic Avoids obstacles in flight Advanced Avoids obstacles in flight while tracking a designated object (Ji) using Pi-map reduce algorithm (Sid).
References [1] A. Eresen, N. Imamoglu and M. O. Efe. Autonomous quadrotor flight with vision-based obstacle avoidance in virtual environment. Expert Syst. Appl. 39(1), pp Available: DOI: /j.eswa [2] W. Benn and S. Lauria. Robot navigation control based on monocular images: An image processing algorithm for obstacle avoidance decisions. Mathematical Problems in Engineering pp (14 pp.) Available: DOI: /2012/ [3] D. J. LeBlanc and N. H. McClamroch. Adaptive processing for vision-based ranging. Presented at American Control Conference, [4] Huili Yu, R. W. Beard and J. Byrne. Vision-based local multi-resolution mapping and path planning for miniature air vehicles. Presented at American Control Conference, ACC ' ,. DOI: /ACC