What are practical life activities? Simple activities which adults perform daily in order to maintain and control the environment in which they live and work in Exercises that are designed to teach children life skills. To adults, activities have a purpose and is a means to an end. The end result is more important than the process, which is often hurried. To a child, the process is more important. Activities that are not only relate to the physical environment but also to the social/cultural. They are real activities not make believe.
Why is it important ? Concentration Coordination Independence/Self Reliance Self Discipline Order
It also helps children to master Increasingly challenging and developmentally appropriate tasks & situations Leads them toward the care of self and of the social community within which the live in
Four areas in Practical Life : Exercises for the development of motor skills Exercises for the care of the environment Exercises for the care of self Exercises of grace & courtesy
Exercises for the development of motor skills Helps the child in the development of coordination, fine/gross motor skills and dexterity Helps the child to be independent and self reliance
Exercises for the development of motor skills Dry Pouring : Jug to jug Jug to two cups Jug to even containers/uneven containers Wet pouring : Jug To jug Jug to two cups Jug to even containers/uneven containers Spooning : Bowl to bowl Bowl to two containers Transferring : Using tongs Tweezer Eye dropper Chopsticks toothpicks
Exercises for the development of motor skills Rolling & unrolling of socks Rolling & unrolling of floor mat Rolling & unrolling of table mat Carrying an empty tray Carrying a tray with one object/or more Threading Snipping/Cutting
Exercises for the care of environment Helps the child to be aware of the state of his/her environment Helps to inculcate the sense of responsibility of taking care of his/her environment Helps the child to have the ‘know how’ of doing and taking care of his/her environment
Exercise for the Care of Environment Cleaning Sweeping Wiping Mopping Flower arrangement Gardening Washing clothes Polishing Scrubbing of tables
Exercises for the care of self Helps the child to be independent in taking care of himself in order to gain personal freedom Reduces dependence on adult’s help Helps develop his dexterity and coordination while encouraging his feeling of order
Exercises for the care of self Changing Shoes Dressing frames; Zip, Velcro, Buttons, Press Studs, Hook & Eye, Buckling, Bow Tying, Lacing Polishing Shoes & Folding Clothes Blowing Nose & Coughing Care of Teeth, Nails, & Hair
Exercise for the care of self Washing of hands Washing of face Washing of mouth Folding own clothes/napkins Combing / brushing of hair Putting on & Taking off shoes Blowing of nose Dressing and undressing Toileting