SANS at interfaces and in bulk systems under shear Henrich Frielinghaus JCNS c/o TUM, Garching
Hydrogen Bonds Ionic // Coulomb Van Der Vaals Teflon / Flourinated Carbon Molecules Surfactants
Detergents Hair care Enhanced oil recovery Cosmetics Personal care Applications of Surfactants
CMC Macroscopic Volumes water
conewedgecylinder P = 0.. 1/3, 1/3.. 1/2, 1/2.. 1, 1 Packing Parameter
Symmetry: Entropy: Finite Length Finite Area Shape Curvature Undulations Undulations
L3L3 LαLα H1H1
Symmetry: Cubic, hexagonal, lamellar… Entropy: Distortions Soft MatterClassical Hard Matter Soft PotentialsCoulomb Potentials High EntropyLow Entropy Interactions Steric Repulsions Coulomb Interactions
Microemulsions Water: H 2 OOil: Decane Surfactant: C 10 E 4 Film WaterOil Micelles Stability !!!
1µm Bicontinuous Microemulsion
Free Energy R1R1 R2R2 c 1 = R 1 -1 c 2 = R 2 -1
γ -1 Phase Diagram f. Small Concentrations
Oil Surfactant Water
Translational Entropy N: lattice sites k: species A N-k: species B
Summary: Microemulsions From Bulky Surfactant Molecules Surfactant Film * Packing Parameter * Helfrich Energy Simple Shapes (diluted system) Liquid Crystalline Phases
Optical Measurements Crossed Polarizers Anisotropic Domains Rheology
NMR - Microemulsion
Small Angle Scattering: Monochromator Collimation Incident Beam Sample Θ Detector Intensity
Summary Measurements Optical NMR Rheology Relative Viscosities Frequency sweep Small Angle Scattering For many peaks: High accuracy For indistinguishable peaks: Esoteric TEM Many cuts needed isotropic / anisotropic quick and easy powerful (single crystals) further extension …
Scattering from polymeric systems Polymer Micelles Wormlike Micelles
PEP 10 -PEO 10 and PEP 22 -PEO 22 PEP 1 -PEO 1
PS in CS 2 water/isooctane/lecitin Wormlike Micelles or Polymer
Oil Production Aqueous Surfactant Systems are used for: Drilling Fluid Secondary/Tertiary Oil Production Fracturing Fluid
Simulations (M. Belushkin) Single order parameter: +1: Oil -1: Water 0: Surfactant Lamellar order decays !!!
The System The Cell Water: D 2 O, H 2 O (41.5%vol) Oil: Decane (41.5%vol) Surfactant: C 10 E 4 (17.0%vol) Temperature ca. 25°C Silicon Cd Glass with Boron Cd 0.5 mm 2 cm 15 cm 0.1° n
The Cell
GISANS: 2 nm < ζ // < 600 nm (large y, critical angle) might be large... Reflect.: 1 µm < ζ // < 20 µm Grazing incidence:
Evanescent Wave: the depth information
Measurements vs. Fits
Results from GISANS Lamellar: Peak Isotropic: perforated lam. + bicontinuous
n n
Microemulsion with Unsymmetric Polymer WATER
Shear Scans with SANS hexagonal
Comparison to Injected Microemulsion in GISANS Cell Perfect Alignment No Alingnment Lamellar Order Near Surface shear
Comparison to Injected Microemulsion in GISANS Cell shear Silicon
Summary Amphiphile Condensation – Self Assembly High Symmetry Interactions Concepts: * Aqueous Surfactant Systems * Microemulsions * (Polymeric Systems) not here * (Mesoscopic Particles) (Ianus) not here Actual research: Surfaces Mesoscopic Particles Surfactants + Polymers