Connect. Communicate. Collaborate NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS European NRENs & GÉANT2 Vasilis Maglaris Chairman, NREN Policy Committee - GÉANT Consortium Professor, National Technical University of Athens – NTUA European Commission (DG INFSO-M) & Nordic Council of Ministers Delegation to Russia JSSC, Moscow April 25, 2007
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate GÉANT2 GÉANT2 : A European R&E Networking Model Interconnects 34 National Research & Education Networks-NRENs of the extended European Research Area (ERA) Connects more than 3500 Research & Education (R&E) Institutions Serves > 30 million end-users + e-Science Projects (e.g. GRIDs) under NREN Acceptable Usage Policy (AUP) rules The model: A 3-tier Federal Architecture, partially subsidized by National and EU Research & Education funds: –The Campus Network (LAN/MAN) –The NREN (MAN/WAN) Hybrid Optical Backbone –The Pan-European Interconnection: TEN34 TEN155 GÉANT (GN1 in FP5) GÉANT2 (GN2 in FP6): Hybrid Optical Backbone (+ Cross Border Fibers) GN2 EC Subsidy < 10% of total European R&E Networking Cost Governance: NREN Policy Committee Project Management: GN2 Exec, DANTE
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate The NREN PC Austria (ACOnet) Belgium (BELNET) Bulgaria (ISTF) Croatia (CARNet) Czech Republic (CESNET) Cyprus (CYNET) Germany (DFN) Estonia (EENet) France (RENATER) Greece (GRNET) Hungary (HUNGARNET) Ireland (HEANet) Israel (IUCC) Italy (GARR) Latvia (LATNET) Lithuania (LITNET) Luxembourg (RESTENA) Malta (UoM) Netherlands (SURFNET) Nordic Countries – Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden (NORDUNET ) Poland (PSNC) Portugal (FCCN) Romania (RoEduNet) Russia (JSCC) Slovakia (SANET) Slovenia (ARNES) Spain (RedIRIS) Switzerland (SWITCH) Turkey (ULAKBIM) United Kingdom (UKERNA) PLUS NON-VOTING MEMBERS: Delivery of Advanced Network Technologies to Europe Ltd. (DANTE) Trans-European Research & Education Networking Association (TERENA) PERMANENT OBSERVERS: CERN,, AMREJ,, MARNET
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate NRENs – GÉANT: A European Success Story Some factors Century old Telecom (+ 40 years ARPAnet - Internet) experience: Proven strong “Network Externalities” Sharing tradition Industry needs for Next Generation Network proofs of concept, synergy with R&E community the ARPAnet paradigm from the US of America to the “US of Europe” Foresight of National + EU funding authorities, triggered by NREN planning – SERENATE, EARNEST Studies, A decade (+) of success in serving R&E needs of the Continent Easing “digital divides” & involving powerful education communities (educators, students, pupils?) NRENs as public utilities for the R&E communities – extending “commons” principle Solidarity – human networking of NREN community Stable Governance: NRENs, PC, Exec (+ DANTE & TERENA)
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate GÉANT2 Hybrid Network Topology 15+ NRENs interconnected within the Dark Fibre (DF) “cloud” Rest, via leased “lambda” and SDH circuits
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Bandwidth Requirements per User SERENATE Study Final Report, 2003 Cees de Laat, David Williams et. al.
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Provision of end-to-end (e2e) Services to e-Science Initiatives Up to 2005: Gigabit Packet Switched IP (Layer 3) & Premium IP e2e Managed Bandwidth Services, VPNs GÉANT+Now DF NRENs, subscribe to GÉANT+ : A dual lightpath (2x10 Gig) mandatory hybrid service involving –10 Gig IP Routed Service (IPv6) –10 Gig Layer 2 Switched Service (multiplexing GigE’s and/or SDH circuits for e2e NREN requirements) National – local circuits provisioned by NRENs & Campuses The hybrid NREN - GÉANT2 service model enables DF NRENs to order additional 10 Gig lightpaths for: –Layer 2 Switched e2e circuits (e.g.1 GigE) on GÉANT2 –10 Gig Optical Private Networks (OPNs) configured for large e-Science projects using GÉANT2 DWDM, NREN & Campus lightpaths Pricing of additional e2e lightpaths: Incremental costing of GÉANT2 Dark Fiber, charged to projects via hosting NRENs. Global extensions (if possible) may use GÉANT2 lightpaths under similar terms Planning based on common understanding and “accurate” prediction of requirements (bandwidth, availability, delay, jitter …) multi-domainWho, how and to what extend provisions, manages, monitors, charges, absorbs the costs, undertakes risks in a multi-domain network of HPC - GRID resources? {LHC T0 – T1, EGEE, DEISA, eVLBI} + {NRENs, GÉANT2, DANTE} pave the way & uncover hidden issues (technical & managerial)
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate CERN T0 IN2P3 PIC CNAF RAL GRIDKa Nordugrid TRIUMF ASCC SARA BNL FNAL DK UK NL DE IT ES FR GEANT2 LHC TIER0 – TIER1 Optical Private Network - OPN, scenario based on work by Roberto Sabatino DANTE CW
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Towards Globalization of R&E Networking Funding opportunities –EC, EuropeAid –EC, DG INFSOM –The EU Thessaloniki Agenda for the Western Balkans –NATO (Science for Peace), World Bank, European Investment Bank (EIB) Strong Inerest by the UN (World Summit on the Information Society: Geneva 2003, Tunis 2005) –Internet Governance Forum (IGF 2006), Athens Sept Global connectivity of Pan-European R&E Network GÉANT/GÉANT2 –North America (USA – Internet2/ESNET, Canada - Canarie) –Latin America (ALICE) –Asia – Pacific (ΤΕΙΝ2) –Mediterranean Countries (EUMEDconnect, –South Africa (TENET) –South-Eastern Europe (SEEREN, SEEFIRE) –Ukraine, Belarus, Virtual Silk - Caucasus (?) –Central & Western Africa (?)
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Latin American R&E Networking ALICE (America Latina Interconectada Con Europa) project 80% funded by the European Commission, managed by DANTE Beneficiary NRENs from 19 Latin American partners, including the Latin American research networking association CLARA (+ partner NRENs from France, Italy, Portugal, Spain) Setup: 2003 to develop RedCLARA (regional R&E network in Latin America) + connectivity to GÉANT 622 Mbps Owing to its success ALICE has been extended until March 2007 (originally May 2006)
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Mediterranean R&E Networking 80% funded by the European Commission EuropeAid, managed by DANTE Beneficiary NRENs of Algeria, Cyprus, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Malta, Morocco, Palestinian Authority, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey (+ partner NRENs of France, Greece, Italy, Spain) Feasibility study: Design, procurement: Operation: (now 11 countries) + connectivity to GÉANT
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Asian Pacific R&E Networking 80% funded by the European Commission EuropeAid, managed by DANTE Beneficiary NRENs of Brunei, China, Indonesia, Japan, Korea, Malaysia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam (+ partner NRENs of France, Netherlands, UK) Feasibility study: 2004 Operation of regional network + connectivity to GÉANT: 2005, 4 x 622 Mbps
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate South Eastern European R&E Networking – SEEREN2 80% funding by the European Commission (100% for SEEREN1 in FP5, ) managed by GRNET (Greek NREN) Beneficiary NRENs of Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, FYR of Macedonia, Serbia & Montenegro (+ partner NRENs of Bulgaria, Greece, Hungary, Romania + DANTE & TERENA) Current SEEREN2 - GEANT2 connectivity: 155 622 Mbps via the GÉANT2 subscriptions of GRNET, RoEduNet, ISTF and HUNGARNET - cross border dark fiber between HUNGARNET – AMREJ (leapfrogging)
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate GÉANT2: Policy Issues for NREN Participation One National R&E Entity represents all R&E communities of a National State (its Service Area) and participates on their behalf in the NREN Policy Committee This not for profit entity (NREN) must: –Be a member of the GN2 Consortium or admitted upon unanimous agreement of Consortium voting members –Abide by the GN2 Consortium Agreement & NREN PC resolutions –Publish its AUP (applicable to all traffic accessing GÉANT2) –Support R&E networking in its Service Area, within the Extended European Research Area –Provide access to all AUP compliant national R&E users via their campus LAN or MAN (or other R&E network within their service area) –Contribute to the Cost-Sharing of GN2 according to PC Resolutions –Participate in the NREN PC and (if possible) to GN2 Activities (NA’s, SA’s, JRA’s) Under the conditions above a GÉANT2 NREN is entitled to: –National subsidiarity –Collective privileges of GÉANT2 NREN’s (hybrid services, global connectivity, joint research…) –EC co-funding, if eligible
NTUA – NATIONAL TECHNICAL UNIVERSITY OF ATHENS Connect. Communicate. Collaborate Conclusion: NRENs & GÉANT2 as Global e-Science Enablers & Advanced Networking Testbeds NRENs - GÉANT2 provide cost effective e2e switched & light path connectivity within the Dark Fiber Cloud (DWDM footprint) + Global IPv4 – IPv6 coverage (and progressing towards Global Hybrid networking) + Network management, resiliency & support e-Science (GRID) Virtual Organizations obtain customized, production quality hybrid networking services, beyond leasing individual circuits, wave-lengths or dark fibers e-Infrastructures as equalizers, reduce the DIGITAL DIVIDES in Europe & Globally: Big Science affordable via Virtual e-Science NRENs - GÉANT2 stimulate Network Research & enable novel concept evaluation by emulations in a global production environment via virtualization of facilities & services e- Infrastructures: A CONCERTED EUROPEAN EFFORT Our Research Networking & HPC/GRID communities share the same mission: Provision of leading edge e-Infrastructures for Research and advancement of HPCN technologies as European added value