T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK Widening participation in Higher Education: The example of an e-based Masters programme Ellen Roberts Jane Rostron Department of Social Policy and Social Work
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK This session l The programme l how it contributes to widening participation l issues and challenges
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK The programme l Certificate/ Diploma/Masters in Public Policy and Management l wholly on-line l professional development for managers working for/with public services l recruits internationally l currently 100 students enrolled from 25 countries
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK How it works l Web-based programme: a virtual learning environment l module materials available on line l and links to further resources l based on small - group teaching: a-synchronous discussions closely supported by a tutor l social constructivist approach
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK The programme and the Widening Participation agenda The programme contributes to this agenda through: l entry criteria: a first degree not required. Part of rationale is to provide access to HE for those who missed out first time round l method of delivery: the flexibility of purely on- line delivery: brings in students who couldnt otherwise study l the student mix: enables the development of an international learning community
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK How these factors work in practice l The programe takes students who would not otherwise be able to study l...because of their location, their employment or their family commitments l and who dont have a traditional academic background (no difference in success rates for those with and without a first degree) l and facilitates sharing of best practice internationally in a new way
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK Key factors in supporting participation l The balance between structure and flexibility l programme designed with adult learners in mind (a policy of no surprises, clear expectations and explicit recognition of existing professional experience) l induction and training in study skills l the support arangements: academic, poastoral, social and technical
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK Managing the process Academic Challenge and Guidance Psycho-social Support Tutor interventions GroupIndividual Role of the tutor Tutor presence
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK Challenges l The digital divide l Cost l Negative perceptions of e-learning l the impact for learners of combining full time work with part-time study (benefits for employers but costs for employees?) l momentum, morale and motivation need to be maintained: so support arrangements are at the heart of the programme
T HE U NIVERSITY OF Y ORK Conclusions l The potential of e-learning to reach students who would not otherwise be able to study l and who do not have a traditional academic background l within an international context: a contribution to the global knowledge economy