“Actively Engaged In the Future of Our Community ”
Growing District – 8,700 students enrolled first week of school Currently have 12 campuses. Community approved $111 million dollar Bond Referendum in 2009 Fifth year of significant academic gains all subjects/all grade levels.
Eight of nine eligible campuses named Exemplary or Recognized by Texas Education Agency. (AEIS Accountability System) TAKS Scores increased in every area Double-digit improvement in Science Channelview High School scores reach “Recognized” level. “Completion Rate” Recognized if appeal granted. Alice Johnson Junior High “Recognized” Cobb Sixth Grade “Exemplary” Voter approval of $ 111 million bond issue
Scores show notable increases over five-year period YearReadingMathWritingScience Social Studies %60%84%47%79% %62%86%56%80% %70%87%61%85% %72%92%61%88% %78%90%63%86% %83%92%77%94%
Classroom space added to Brown, Crenshaw, McMullan, and Schochler Elementary Construction of Early Childhood Center and Endeavor Alternative Campus Construction of Aguirre Junior High Construction of Educational Support Center Maintenance and Transportation Facility Athletic Facilities, Football Stadium, Track, Central Gymnasium, Athletic Offices Band Hall
Early Childhood Center Aguirre Junior High
New Band Hall – Channelview High School
Due to a state budget shortfall of $18 billion and an insufficient and inequitable funding formula for school districts Channelview ISD adopted a deficit budget of $1.8 million for the first time We must continue to “do more with less” Where do we get the additional funding for … a) staffing new schools b) competitive salaries c) new instructional resources and resources for STARR and End of Course Exams d) Teacher training
Funding allotments locked in at 2005 levels Tax rate at maximum (a further increase would require voter approval) No new state funding expected District looking for ways to balance budget and be more efficient Channelview ISD’s target revenue ranks 48 th out of 54 districts in Region IV. DistrictFunding per student Channelview Cy-Fair $5,123 $4,969 Deer Park Goose Creek $6,121 $5,900 Huffman Klein $5,279 $5,275 North Forest Pasadena $5,695 $5,161 Spring$5,247 Comparison of area districts
Continuing to increase District and campuses completion rate Continuing to decrease the District’s drop-out rate Students tested too much – estimated testing 25 to 30 days per school year. Increasing in 2011 Preparing students and staff for End-of-Course exams (grades 9-12) and new STARR Test (grades 3- 8) Increase the number of Commended students on state assessments Placing major emphasis on College and Career Readiness
Student scores at state “Exemplary” levels Need to keep building on positive energy from last year Direct focus on increasing completion rate Continue to prepare students for the world of “higher learning” in college and the work force
Challenges, challenges, challenges…