OutliningOutlining What is it?
What is an Outline? An outline is a way of note taking or prewriting that helps you organize your thoughts. A simple version looks like this: I. Sports –A. basketball 1. court a,Indoor b Outdoor 2. ball –a.round 3. hoop
Three Parts of an Essay (or paragraph) I. Introduction –includes THESIS/ topic sentence II. Body- includes all your supporting paragraphs III. Conclusion- where you restate your thesis Each part has headings, sub-headings, and minor details I. Headings – always get a Roman Numeral A. Sub-headings- get a CAPITAL LETTER 1. minor details- get a regular number a. sub-minor details get lower case letters
Introduction This section contains your thesis statement (main idea) I. Thesis: President Barack Obama is the first African-American president, and he was elected because of his well-organized and managed campaign.
Body The body follows the introduction, and breaks down the points the author wishes to make. (Supporting Details) II. Smart campaign strategies A. Call for change 1. Yes we can! B. Enthusiastic speeches
Conclusion Your conclusion should restate your thesis (main idea), and never introduce new material. VI. Conclusion-In conclusion, President Barack Obama was elected because of several reasons.
Clothing Activity What am I wearing? Outline my clothing. For example: I. Shirt A. pocket 1. button on left B. blue