Position and direction directionMaths Position and direction directionMaths For Room 3 Clever clogs. clogs. For Room 3 Clever clogs. clogs.
We are learning to say, read and act out position words. We are “clever clogs” when we; 1. Understand and show how much and how well we know these words. 2. Help others to understand what these words mean. We are learning to say, read and act out position words. We are “clever clogs” when we; 1. Understand and show how much and how well we know these words. 2. Help others to understand what these words mean.
ChaC Describe what is happening using these words in, over and under. Describe what is happening using these words in, over and under. Challenge Say the words, spell the words, act out the words using any object close by.
Study the picture on the left and answer these true or false questions. (Note: The outdoor area is at the front of the class) 1.The library corner is at the back left hand corner of the class. True/false 2. The table toys is not in-between the library corner and the house corner. True/false 3. The block corner is at the front of the class on the left hand side. True/false 4. The sand and water area is in-between the art and block corner. True/false 5. The table toys area has a door that opens up to the outside. True/false Challenge Draw a plan of our classroom. Study the picture on the left and answer these true or false questions. (Note: The outdoor area is at the front of the class) 1.The library corner is at the back left hand corner of the class. True/false 2. The table toys is not in-between the library corner and the house corner. True/false 3. The block corner is at the front of the class on the left hand side. True/false 4. The sand and water area is in-between the art and block corner. True/false 5. The table toys area has a door that opens up to the outside. True/false Challenge Draw a plan of our classroom.
Some people learn best through music and movement. Learn your left, right and around directions by singing and acting out this song. The Hokey Pokey You put your right hand in, You put your right hand out, You put your right hand in, And you shake it all about, You do the hokey pokey and you turn yourself around That what it's all about. 2) left hand 3) right foot 4) left foot 5) head 6) bottom 7) whole self Maori Version To ringa ki roto To ringa ki waho To ringa ki roto Ka ruirurihia Kei te hoe hope au Kei te huri huri au Kei te paki paki aue. English Translation Hand in Hand out Hand in Shake it all about Swing hips Turn around Clap hands Maori Version To ringa ki roto To ringa ki waho To ringa ki roto Ka ruirurihia Kei te hoe hope au Kei te huri huri au Kei te paki paki aue. English Translation Hand in Hand out Hand in Shake it all about Swing hips Turn around Clap hands
Senior playground FieldTennis/basketball courts Caretakr shed Net Ball Room 6Room 7 Senior resource room Hall PE Shed Teacher Resource Room Library Room 5 Room 8 Teacher resource Swimm ing pool Room 4 Room 3 Staff room Mrs Martin DP ENTRANCE Tony’s Office Mrs Kings Office Junior Play- ground Reading Recovery Room 2 Room 1 Car Park Sand pit TAITOKO SCHOOL PLAN North south East West Here is a plan of our school. Use carefully chosen position words to help visitors locate classrooms and places around the school. 1.I am at the entrance. I am looking for Room 3. 2.I am at the entrance. I want to go to the hall. 3.I am at the entrance. I want to see the caretaker. 4.The emergency bell has rung. I am in room 3. What do I do and where do I go? 5.I am on the field. I need to go back to Room 3. I can go two ways. Tell me one way. 6. You make up some questions for others to answer.
In what positions am I? What have you learnt today? Created by Room 3 with a little help from your Teacher