Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology1 Creating Interactivity with PowerPoint
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology2 Contrast and Consistent Contrast This body text is in conflict with the title for this section. This body text contrasts well with the title for this section Consistent Erratic This slide is consistent with all of the others in the presentation This slide is Erratic and does not fit with the rest of the slides Conflict
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology3Layout Use layout text boxes whenever possible Paste special – unformatted text Turn automatic layout for inserted objects off
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology4Layout To turn automatic layout off select: Tools AutoCorrect Options AutoFormat As You Type Automatic Layout For Inserted Objects.
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology5 Hello
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology6Master Title Master Slide Master
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology7 Design Templates Changing your template will wipe out any changes you have made to the master slide
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology8Pictures
9 Grouping objects
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology10 Start SpinAnimation
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology11Actions
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology12 VBA text
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology13Liveweb
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology14Audio Embedded wav Linked mp3 Only Insert object works to embed wav files
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology15Video Embedded MPG Linked QuickTime (MOV) Insert movie works for MPG, AVI, ASF, WMV Insert picture and create link for MOV
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology16Games
Acadia Institute for Teaching and Technology17 Perfect Storm?