RESOURCE DESCRIPTION AND ACCESS: A COBEC WORKSHOP JANUARY 31, 2014 GUY FROST VALDOSTA STATE UNIVERSITY Electronic Resources: Computer files, E-Books, Streaming Audio- Visual, etc.
Type: m – Computer Files Used for “computer software (including programs, games and fonts), numeric data, computer-oriented multimedia, online systems or services”--BFaS No longer used for most Internet Resources Some guidance to PCC requirements can be found in the PCC RDA BIBCO Standard Record (BSR) Metadata Application Profile, January 1, RDA-BSR.pdf RDA-BSR.pdf
PCC Requirements Transcription is the same as that for books Dimensions is PCC Core for direct access electronic resources (007, 300, or 340) Equipment of System Requirements direct access electronic resources ( 538 and/or 340) Other Requirements: Type: m ; BLvL: m ; File: ; DtSt: ; Dates ; Ctry ; Lang: 007 – c/p 0 and 1: c – category of material and # - Specific Material Designation (e.g., o for optical disc) 050 – Classification number (also, 086, 082, etc.)
245 – Titles Preferred Source of Information: 1st, disc label 2nd, container 3rd, internal source (e.g., disc menu)
Other Electronic Resources Electronic Resources discussed here are those resources found on the Internet There are two types of Internet Resources Born digital Converted Resources (e.g., print to online reproductions) All Internet Resources are considered published even if the original was a manuscript
Description Internet Resources, whether born digital or reproductions, follow the same transcription rules as their physical counterpart Sources of Information ( (moving images) (other)): Textual content Embedded metadata in textual form that contains a title (e.g., metadata embedded in a MPEG video file or MP3 audio file) If none of these sources has a title, use as the preferred source of information another source forming part of the resource itself, giving preference to sources in which the information is formally presented.
Example In this YouTube video, the title, subtitle, and performer is listed on the title screen of the moving image: GMEA All-State Etude Alto Saxophone Jazz Etude #2 performed by Dr. Joren Cain Associate Professor of Saxophone Valdosta State University
Choosing 008 Type: From OCLC’s BFaS: “Determine the significant aspect of the electronic resource (language material, graphic material, cartographic material, sound, moving image, etc.) and code Type for that significant aspect of the content.” In other works, if cataloging a digital map, choose the map workform to create a record For the Electronic Characteristics Code the 006 and the 007 for the electronic aspect Code Form: in the 008 as o (may also be recorded with code s for the broader form) – assuming remote access as appropriate 347 for digital file characteristics
Additional Fields: Print Reproductions Optionally, add a 530 unstructured note for additional physical form Add a 776 for the original manifestation is a Core requirement for the LC, PCC Add a 538 system details note if applicable 336 – text 337 – computer 338 – online resource 588 – Source of Description; 856 URL
Additional Fields: Streaming Audio 006 – File: h for sounds 008 Type i (nonmusical) or j (musical) Add a 538 system details note 336 – performed music, spoken words, or sounds 337 – audio 337 – computer 338 – online resource 588 – Source of Description; 856 URL
Additional Fields: Streaming Video 006 File: c 008 Type: g 041 – when Lang: ### is not enough (e.g., subtitles) Add a 538 system details note 336 – two-dimensional moving image 337 – video 337 – computer 338 – online resource 546 – (e.g., Closed-caption) RDA – Source of Description; last viewed note Add 856