Input Devices Any questions from the reading or quizzes?
More! The book did not cover many types of input devices. Can you think of any more?
Numeric Keypad
PIN Pad, Magnetic Stripe Reader Usually found in ATMs (Automatic Teller Machine) PIN – Personal Identification Number
Chip Reader
Digital Camera
Bar Code Reader
Output List every way you can imagine!
CRT Cathode Ray Tube
TFT Thin Film Transistor
Control Devices Motor Buzzer Heater Lights
Why is all this important?
Stephen Hawking What special input and output devices would be useful to him? Explain fully: WHY are the choices you make correct?
Homework On the webpage again: Write three paragraphs, each one on a new situation needing a different set of input and output devices.
Skills Needed MS Word –Headers and Footers –Font Selection –Font Size
Headers and Footers At the top and bottom of EVERY page. You only set them up once; they will automatically be placed on every page. Instructions on the website.
Fonts Font – what the text looks like –Style – choose something professional Arial is good Times New Roman is good, too Never, ever use Comic Sans. It is NOT professional. –Size – Measured in “points.” 12 point font is usually used.