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EC 营客通产品操作(九) EC 营客通产品操作(九) 400 电话 400 电话. 400 电话有助于提升企业形象,无论企业地址变更、机构 变化、人员变动,联系方式永远不变。且在 EC 上申请的 400 电话可以在 EC 平台上进行统一的 400 电话接听及 400 电话客服的管理。
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Presentation transcript:

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 演示内容和顺序  1 、软件的构成和整体架构  2 、功能模块设置和各个模块的简介  3 、软件的核心技术和设计特色  4 、软件演示

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 整体结构 --B/S 和 C/S 相结合 B/S 系统特点  B/ S是 Brower/Server 的缩写 ,客户机上通过浏览器( Internet Explorer )访问系统  优点  不需要安装客户端软件  对超大量用户并发支持好  缺点:  速度较 C/S 结构慢  交互性差 ,需刷新页面 C/S 系统特点  C/S 又称 Client/Server 或客户 / 服务器模式。客户端需要安 装专用的客户端软件  优点:  客户端响应速度快  控制性强、安全性高  交互性强操作快捷  缺点:  需要安装客户端软件  对超大量用户并发支持不好 2

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 产品线构成  网络版  运行在网络环境(内部局域网)和大型关系数据库下,支 持多部门协同录入整理,支持多全宗管理模式。具备完善的权 限控制方案  B/S 查询部分  提供查询、浏览原文。有完善的权限控制。 可以对录入条 目甚至挂接的扫描件内容进行检索(全文检索)  单机版  无需网络环境和大型数据库 ,简单安装即可使用,但预留 了与网络版进行数据上传下载的接口,可以随时升级到网络版 。 3

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 操作流程 OA 或其他业务系统 文件管理模块 收集整编模块 档案管理模块 档案鉴定模块 手工录入 数字加工等 手工录入 数字加工等 档案利用:借 阅、统计、编 研、网上查阅

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 整体结构 5 Text slide with “film strip” images 安全防护体系 基础设施 ( SERVER 、 CLIENT 、 NET ) 数据采集数据采集 档案库 资料库 文件库 存储部分 档案业务管理 档 案 利 用 外部系统

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 数据流 6 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 业务流程 7 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 功能模块图 8

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 整理编目 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 文件资料管理子系统-实例 10 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 收集整编子系统-实例 11 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 档案管理子系统-实例 12

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 跨库检索  13

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 鉴定销毁 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 借阅管理 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 统计功能灵活多样 对系统内数据,可以针对每个类 型和分类进行详细的统计,也可 以跨全宗跨分类对数据进行整体 分析,以图表,表格,多维数据 挖掘技术等展现统计结果。统计 方案用户可以简单的自己去定义, 增加了系统的灵活性

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 统计图 17

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 数据转换 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 逻辑架构 19 Text slide with “film strip” images

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 20 核心技术 及设计特色  图像处理  多格式浏览  流媒体  OCR (文字识别技术)  全文检索  数据挖掘

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 21 核心技术-图象处理  图像处理技术 -系统中内嵌了图像处理技术,可以用于电子档案原文的扫描和 图像处理。  图像处理功能 -具有图像的扫描、图像的旋转、图像缩放、图像幅面调整、图 像分辨率调整、图像压缩格式转换、消蓝、去污、纠斜、合并 等。

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 22 核心技术-多文件格式浏览技术  支持 200 多种文件格式  支持的格式包含办公,工程和 3D 文件格式,如 Acrobat PDF 、 AutoCAD 、 MicroStation 、 HPGL 、 TIFF 、 ME 10 、 Microsoft Word 、 Excel 、 PowerPoint 、 WordPerfect 、 Lotus 123 等等 200 多种格式  文档安全性  支持流方式

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 23 核心技术-多文件格式浏览技术(图)

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements 24 核心技术- OCR 技术应用  在线识别  批量录入  与全文检索结合

Thunis logo must not be moved, added to, or altered in any way. Background should not be modified. Title/subtitle/confidentiality line: 10pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Information separated by vertical strokes, with two spaces on either side Slide heading: 28pt Arial Regular, blue R120 | G137 | B251 Maximum length: 2 lines Slide body: 18pt Arial Regular, black Square bullet color: teal R045 | G182 | B179 Recommended maximum text length: 5 principal points Group name: 14pt Arial Regular, white Maximum length: 1 line Copyright: 10pt Arial Regular, white Business Unit or Product Name Optional slide number: 10pt Arial Bold, white Indications in green = Live content Indications in white = Edit in master Indications in blue = Locked elements Indications in black = Optional elements OCR 实例 25