The Dugong Dugong Dugon Presentation by: Ian Loe
Dugongs Dugongs are commonly known as the sea cow, as they eat plants just like a cow does.
Dugong: Area This is a map of of dugong feeding ground. Dugongs live mainly in northern Australia.
Dugong: Kingdom Kingdom: Animalia Phylem: Chordata Subphylem: Vertebra Class: Mammalia Order: Sirenia Family:Dugongidae Genus: Dugong Species: Dugong Dugon
Dugong: Habitat A dugong’s habitat is consistent of mainly sea grass on the bottoms near the shore
Dugong: Food Chain The only things that puts them in danger are large sharks, crocodiles, and killer whales. But of course, humans also. Dugongs do not eat like a predator does, despite it’s large appearance, Dugongs would not harm you. Dugongs eat sea grass, like a cow.
Dugong: Biome The Dugong’s biome is salt water.
Why is the Dugong Endangered? Dugongs are endangered because they have been caught by fishermen on accident. So, what can we do to save them? Fish less? We can’t just let their species slip away.
What Can We do to Save the Dugongs? Fishing nets have been banned from northern Australia and it is illegal to kill one. You can join your local wildlife park and not only help to save the dugongs, but other species as well.
Bibliography Georga. The Dugong (January 4, 2007) Ingham,Barry Dugong University of Michigan Dugong Dugon
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