India (Discussion 5-1 Notes) I. India’s Land and Economy A. India makes up the South Asian subcontinent. B.The Karakoram Range and the Himalaya form India’s northern border and separate S. Asia from the rest of Asia. C. Most of India is warm and hot all year. D. India raises its food it needs to feed its 1 billion people (2nd largest). This is a result of the green revolution. E. India has many industries such as computer software and mining. F. Many Indian products are manufactured in cottage industries.
II. The World’s Largest Democracy A.India is a Democracy like the U.S., but the power is held by the prime minister who is appointed rather than elected B. India’s second prime minister, Indira Ghandi, tried to help the poor by giving them land. III. India’s History and People A.The first Indian civilization was located along the Indus River Valley. B.A caste was a social class based on a person’s ancestry. C. India won its independence from Great Britain in 1947 through Mohandas Ghandi who led a nonviolent resistance movement. D. 80% are Hindu but Islam has 140 million followers. India also has 18 official languages and 70% live in villages.
India and Pakistan Climograph w What 2 months does India receive the most rain? w What 2 months does Pakistan receive the most rain? w What is the hottest month in India? Pakistan? w Which of the 2 countries receives the most rainfall year round? w Which of the 2 countries have the hottest temperatures year round? w How would you describe the climate of India? Pakistan?
Other Countries of South Asia (Discussion Notes 5-2) I. Pakistan - is occupied by the Hindu Kush Mountain range in the north in which the Khyber Pass goes through. A. Kashmir is a Muslim territory that is being disputed by India and Pakistan because of its water supply. B. The capital is Islamabad and the official language is Urdu, but many people speak English. II. Bangladesh - is surrounded by India and share many cultural features. A. Monsoons and cyclones affect the climate in Bangladesh. B.Most people farm and rice is their main crop. C. One of the most densely populated and poorest countries.
III. Nepal - is host to the highest mountain range in the world, the Himalayas and Mount Everest. A. The capital is Kathmandu and is ruled by a parliamentary democracy. IV. Bhutan - Himalaya is the major landform and makes it difficult for the people to develop its economy. A.90% of the people are subsistence farmers. V. Sri Lanka - is one of the world’s leaders of tea and rubber. A. The 2 major ethnic groups Sinhalese and Tamils have fought each other in the past.
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