Afghanistan Went through a period, after the United States removed Al Qaida from power, where they did not have a government. This is called?
Cuba Fidel Castro had total control of the economy and is supposed to supply his people with all social programs. (He has recently been succeeded by his brother Raul Castro.) This is called?
China This country limits who can come and go, puts restrictions on daily life, and runs under one party system. This is called?
France The French overthrew their monarch to become a democracy. This is called?
Sudan Omar Al-Bashir took power and is in complete control of Sudan. This is called?
Iran The government of Iran bases its laws and rules around the religion of Islam. This is called?
Israel The current Prime Minister of Israel is Benjamin Netanyahu. This is called?
India The government in India was elected by the people. This is called?
Jordan Jordan has one of the last true kingdoms with a powerful king, King Abdullah II. This is called?
United States Representatives make decisions for us in the government. This is called?
Norway They have a government that owns the means of production, but allows its citizens some economics choices. This is called?
North Korea Leader Kim Jong-il was chosen by the people of the People’s Republic of North Korea. Probably because he was the only choice. (His son, Kim Jong-un, is now his predecessor following his death.) This is called?
Pakistan The president of this country is aided by an elite group of leaders. This is called?
Russia Russia’s new government allows people to own their own businesses and property. This is called?