Dr. Salomi Papadima- Sophocleous University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language What is Language Study? Any stage in a lesson where students and teachers focus in on (on the construction of) a specific feature of the language in order to understand it better. What is the goal of Language Study? To increase knowledge of the language system so that the longer-term aim of improving productive and receptive skills can be achieved. Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous
University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language Ways through which students can learn a Language (a)In the classroom under the direction of a teacher (b)Research language on their own - Autonomous learning Language Study focusing on structure and use of language forms: -Morphology of forms (is, am, be) -Syntax of phrases, clauses & sentences -Vocabulary -Meaning and function -Pronunciation -Spelling Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous -Genre analysis -Study of written and spoken text construction
Dr. Salomi Papadima- Sophocleous University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language Language Study Techniques? Demonstration situation which shows the language in action; modelling; pictures and realia Explanation diagrams; grammatical explanations Discovery work out a grammar rule Accurate reproduction repeat new words, phrases, or sentences in a controlled way, correcting them Immediate creativity create their own words Check questions Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous
University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language When do we focus on any necessary language forms? Before, during or after the performance of a communicative task or a receptive skills activity? Approach 1: study language in a variety of ways, then explore a topic, and then use what students have learnt to perform a task. Approach 2: during a task-based sequence (focus on 1 or 2 past tense forms in the middle of an extended narrative-writing task – describe weather in the middle of a holiday planning Approach 3: After the students have performed the task Even when not planned, opportunities arise (a student wants to know) Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous
University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language Teach Known or unknown language? Types of students: (a)Real beginners (b)Students with some degree of linguistic knowledge and ability in English MOREOVER (a)Students learn at different speeds and in different ways. Result: ‘mixed ability’ classes Problem Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous
University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language So, what do we teach? What do we do? First, find out what our students know Ways of avoiding teaching already Known language (a)Have students perform tasks and see how well they use the language forms in question before deciding to teach them as if they were new. (b)Elicit the new language forms you wish them to study. If successful, no demonstration, no explanation; if unsuccessful, teach the new language forms. Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous
University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language Choosing Study Activities (a)Offer a varied diet of exercises i. all students have different learning styles ii. Sustain student motivation (b) Assess a language study activity for use in class i. How effective will it be? When take it in class ii. Justify the time spent on it before and during the lesson iii. Activity should demonstrate meaning iv. Will it work with this group? (c) Evaluate a study activity after use in class i. formally ii. informally Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous Keep a record of your classes Conduct your own action research
Dr. Salomi Papadima- Sophocleous University of Nicosia BA in English Language and Literature LALI 441 TEFL The practice of English Language Teaching Chapter 11 Studying language Examples of language study activities Introducing new language Example 1: Light in space, pages Discovery activities Example 2: Discovery activities, pages Example 3: Rules and freedom, pages Remembering Example 4: Perfect one-liners, page Example 5: In the queue, pages Dr. Salomi Papadima-Sophocleous