Based on theories of British functional sociolinguist Such as: Firth.Halliday,Dell Hymes,Gamperz and Lavob Great Britain & U.S.A
1980’s:since then it has been the model for many teaching practices: The Natural Approach. Cooperative Language Learning. Content-Based Teaching (CBT) Task-Based Learning.
The communicative approach could be said to be the product of educators and linguists who had grown dissatisfied with the audio-lingual and grammar-translation methods of foreign language instruction They felt that students were not learning enough realistic, whole language.
: Language is for communication and linguistic competence and the knowledge of forms and their meanings are part of the communicative competence. Another aspect of this knowledge is to learn the use of the language
Activities :that involve real communication promote learning Activities: in which language is used for carrying out meaningful tasks promote learning Language that is meaningful to the learner promotes learning.
Theory of learning: Role of the teacher: The teacher facilitates the communication in the classroom, and he also acts like an adviser and a guide. Role of the student: Ss are communicators. They are actively engage in trying to make themselves understood and in understanding others
can be used.whenever possible the target language should be use. Scrambled sentences Language Games Picture Strip Story Role Play
Scrambled sentences interviews games Role play Pair work
Modes of interaction T-Ss, Ss-Ss, Ss-T Students’ feelings Students are given an opportunity to express their individuality by having them share their ideas and opinions on a regular basis.
dialogues and role plays Communicative language teaching uses almost any activity that engages learners in authentic communication.functional communication activities in which communication is involved, and social interaction activities,such as conversation and discussion sessions,
REFERENCES Larsen-Freeman, D. (2000). Techniques and Principles in Language Teaching (second ed.). Oxford University Press. proachlanguagelearning/CommunicativeLanguageTeaching.htm