From citizenship to sustainability: linking vision and action Elda Moreno Head of the Natural Heritage Division, Council of Europe
“Vision without action is just a dream. Action without vision is a waste of time. Vision with action can change the world” Nelson Mandela
Our vision for Europe: A continent built upon values: Human Rights Democracy Rule of Law Where more than 800 million citizens feel safe, happy and at home
Our vision for Europe: We share UNECE vision: « A region that embraces common values of solidarity, equality and mutual respect between people, countries and generations. A region characterized by sustainable developmpent, including economic vitality, justice, social cohesion, environmental protection and the sustainable management of natural resources »
Our vision for Europe: a human right; a prerequisite for achieving sustainable development; an essential tool for good governance, informed decision- making and the promotion of democracy. Also sees education as:
Our action for Europe in the Education field includes: Human Rights Education Global Education Environmental Education Citizenship Education
Our action for Europe in the Education field includes: Standard setting activities Monitoring Technical assistance Awareness raising
Our action for Europe 2005 – The European Year of Citizenship through Education Main objective To bridge the gap between policy declarations and actual practice
Promote the implementation of standards on education for democratic citizenship Bridge policy and practice by empowering policy makers and practitioners at all levels to set up and develop sustainable programmes for EDC and Human Rights Education Raise awareness, strengthen the commitment of member states Provide member states with a framework and tools Encourage the development of initiatives and partnerships to promote EDC and HRE And… share the wealth of knowledge 2005
Organisation of the Year Ad hoc Committee of experts Three Steering Committees (Education, Higher Education and Research and Human Rights) EDC Steering Group EDC national coordinators 2005
Organisation of the Year Partnerships Different sectors of the Council of Europe Governments, parliamentarians, local authorities International and intergovernmental Institutions (European Commission, UNESCO, OSCE, OHCHR) NGOs Education networks and Youth groupings 2005
From citizenship towards sustainibility Third Summit of Heads of State and Government (2005): Confirmed commitment to sustainable development
From citizenship to sustainibility Getting closer to our vision From 2006 onwards Focus on sustainable development
From citizenship to sustainibility and in 2014… Thank you!