"We cannot waste our precious children. Not another one, not another day." Nelson Mandela & Graca Machel
There are apologists for this achievement gap who try to wish it away by saying we shouldn't expect as much from children who come to school with disadvantaged backgrounds. They would prefer that ‘poor’ schools be compared to only other ‘poor’ schools. Thus a school could be rated excellent if it is the best of the worst, even if 70% of its students can’t read. To rate such schools only amongst themselves would be to create ghettos of low-performing schools. --Editorial, Guest Commentator Gov. Bill Owens, The Denver Post, 1/27/02
California Public Schools Statewide Enrollment by Ethnicity
GATE Placement California 2002
Special Education Enrollment
Who Teaches Poor & Minority Students Percent High School Math Classes Whose Teachers Have No Major or Minor in Math
Principles for Fostering Equity and Excellence in Academically Diverse Learners Good Curriculum comes first All tasks should respect each learner When in doubt, teach up! Use flexible grouping Become an assessment junkie Grade to reflect growth Carol Ann Tomlinson
Inclusion: A Matter of Social Justice Challenge Exclusion Deal with Teasing and Bullying Try other Perspectives Foster Courage, Challenge Oppression Mara Sapon-Shevin
1. Always start with the gifts, talents, knowledge, and skill of young people --- never with their needs and problems. 2. In every way possible, amplify this message to young people: We need you! Our community cannot be strong and complete without you.
Closing the Achievement Gap Challenge Opportunity Promise Commitment Francisca Sanchez