InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS)


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Presentation transcript:

InterAmerican Network of Academies of Sciences (IANAS)

IANAS was established in May, IANAS is dedicated to building scientific capacities in each country by:  Influencing the scientific decision-making processes in the Americas, with the goal of increasing the quality of life of citizens of the Americas;  Strengthening science and technology relationships as a tool for societal development;  Enhancing capacities of the academies of the region through exchange of information and experience. 2 Overview

Co-Chairs of IANAS ( )  Howard Alper (RSC: Academies of the Arts, Humanities, and Sciences of Canada)  Hernan Chaimovich (Brazilian Academy of Sciences) Executive Board  Co-Chairs plus representatives from the academies of Chile, Mexico, the United States, Venezuela, and the Caribbean Scientific Union  Meetings held: November 5, 2004 – Ottawa, Canada May 12, 2005 – Scarborough, Tobago January 23, 2006 – Mamiraua, Brazil  General Assembly: Caracas, Venezuela, Structure

 Science Education  Water  Science, Technology, and Innovation for Societal Development  Capacity Building for Academies 4 Initiatives

 The focus of the education program is on elementary level science education. However, activities on secondary and tertiary science education will also be considered. Working together with teachers and educational authorities, the members of Science Academies of the Americas aim to improve the level and relevance of science education in the hemisphere. The innovative Inquiry-Based Science Education is the centerpiece of the program and is led by the Chilean Academy of Sciences, which also leads the IAP Program of the same subject.  Successful Focal Point meetings were held in Santiago, Chile on October 29 and 30, 2004 and in Edmonton, Canada on September 26 and 27, 2005, to develop the plan of activities for the program and to assess progress. 5 Science Education

 Workshop on Evaluation of Inquiry-Based Science Education, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, May 2-3, 2006  Other activities to implement the goals of the programme include: - Exchange of science education materials - IANAS Courses and Workshops for teacher training - IANAS Strategic Planning Workshops - IANAS short-term fellowships on science education - IANAS Exchange of Education Experts - Joint Evaluation Initiatives - IANAS Forum on Science Education 6 Science Education – Future Plans

 Access to clean water is a major challenge in the 21st century.  This program, led by the Brazilian (lead for IAP Water program) and Mexican Academies of Sciences, will include capacity building for water resources management, the development of research resulting in new water management strategies, leading to better recycling and conservation methodologies. 7 Water

 Creation of the IANAS Water Program, with the first Focal Point meeting held March 12 and 13, 2005 in Bagota, Columbia  Eutrophication aspects discussed at a meeting held in June 2005 in Brazil  Proposed partnership of IANAS and the International Institute for Infrastructural, Hydraulic, and Environmental Engineering. 8 Water

 International Training Centers, aimed at managers and scientists, and set up to offer training for the introduction of new water technologies, facilities for case studies, short courses, seminars, field visits, and make other resources available with the goal of advancing scientific research and increasing efforts for capacity strengthening  The publication of two books is planned: Water in the Americas, and Water Economics for the Americas  Establishment of national water committees in each member country to support focal points in the implementation of the programme  Involve smaller countries of the hemisphere in IANAS initiatives, ie. invite non-member countries as observing members on projects  Organization of the second meeting of focal points for the programme 9 Water – Future Plans

 Work with governments to build effective STI strategies  Participate in studies on issues pivotal to society development 10 Science, Technology and Innovation for Societal Development and Poverty Reduction

 Launch of an IANAS led study, with partial sponsorship by the Ford Foundation, to determine the extent to which research and knowledge production (S&T) in Latin American universities is contributing to substantial development and where there are barriers or deficiencies, make recommendations to overcome the latter, thus advancing societal development  Encouraged the government of Nicaragua to develop an effective strategy for STI (February 16 and 17, 2006)  Visit to the Universidad de Centro Americano (UCA) to consider institutional and inter-institutional matters to build excellent faculties/programs essential for societal development 11 Science, Technology and Innovation for Societal Development and Poverty Reduction

 IANAS participation in an OAS forum on “Civil Society on STI”  IANAS as a principal partner – Academie Roundtable, InterAmerican Dialogue in the Framework of the 2005 GA of the OAS (June 2005)  IANAS participation in the “Roundtable on the Fundamental Role of Science, Technology, Engineering and Science Education (Framework of Discussion, OAS Summit, September 2005) 12 Science, Technology and Innovation for Societal Development and Poverty Reduction

 Follow-up on the BAS/CGEE meeting, with development of an action plan for implementation.  Launch of an IANAS led study, to be coordinated by Ignacy Sachs, to analyze the role of Science, Technology, Innovation and Science Education as a major tool for enhancing the social, economic and political importance of Latin America and the Caribbean region in the global scene. 13 Science, Technology and Innovation for Societal Development and Poverty Reduction – Future Plans

 Co-Chaired by NAS and BAS  Enhance capacities of existing academies; contribute to inception of new academies  IANAS initiated discussions with Nicaraguan scientists on the creation of national scientific societies / associations, essential to the possible future establishment of an Academy of Sciences. 14 Capacity Building for Academies of the Americas

 Establishment of a Steering Committee from various sectors  Workshop on “Best Practices in the Development of Academies” bringing together people from industry, academia, government, NGOs, etc.  Building academy-government partnerships to educate and inform decision-makers on the latest advances in research and innovation and their impacts on citizens in the Americas (possibly thru presentations to politicians and senior bureaucrats) 15 Capacity Building for Academies of the Americas – Future Plans

Budget Dissemination of Information – Linking science academies with each other and with a society as a whole  Maintenance of Trilingual Website; translation$5,  IANAS Bulletin – published in three languages$5, Travel Expenses  Participation of IANAS in hemisphere meetings and events $13, Stationary and Office support  Printing and ancillary expenses$2,

Budget Capacity Building Program  Creation and / or Empowerment of Academies  Focal Point Meeting; Best practices $15, Support for New Initiatives  Contribution of Science and Technology to Societal Development  University structures and reward Systems in Latin America $10, Total Budget$50,