Managing the information explosion Binesh Lad
20% 80% Structured Content Everything else
The Information in Our Organisations from Gartner Group 80% of information is unstructured 42% of transactions are still paper-based 79% of companies have 2+ repositories 40 % of IT budgets are spent on integration 25% have 15+ repositories 30% of people’s time is spent searching for relevant information
The Information in Our Organisations from Meta Group It only spends £5 dealing with the unstructured content.. But still For every £100 an organisation spends maintaining their structured content….
New Perspective On Information Mgmt. by Barry Murphy at Forrester Research July 12, 2005 Enterprises' return on information is low Data sprawl creates headaches for IT An abundance of content creates productivity barriers for information workers
A Few Questions to Start… Have you identified all the content challenges that users, administrators and developers encounter during the course of business? Or, are you too painfully aware of the many issues? How are you currently handling the situation? Are individuals in your Organisation gaining value from all the content that’s created in stored?
Content Challenges within an Organisation Duplication and Inability to Reuse Disparate systems storing unstructured content
Content Challenges within an Organisation Sharing the Right Content to the Right People Sharing the right content Version control problems Out-of-date and inaccurate content Native applications required for viewing Sharing to the right people Across the enterprise and to customers, partners, etc. Lack of security and access controls Web delivery requirements
Content Challenges within an Organisation Expensive, Time Intensive, Manual Processes Shipping and printing costs Routing and approval processes Search and retrieval time Manual conversions to Web- viewable formats
Content Challenges within an Organisation Resource Constraints and Bottlenecks Ineffective use of resources Clerical staff to IT resources Web bottlenecks HTML coding and posting
Content Challenges within an Organisation Managing Multiple Web Sites The # of Web sites continue to grow “Webmaster bottlenecks” Creating & maintaining sites can be Inefficient Inconsistent Expensive Challenges with Consistent branding vs. local business objectives Litigation & risk management
Content Challenges within an Organisation Compliance and Risk Management Compliance and risk management Digital content increasingly used in courts during litigation Demands of compliance mandates
Content Challenges within an Organisation Sometimes…it just makes you angry
What Do You Do With All This Content? How do you…? Share Secure Minimize risk Automate
Where Do You Begin? How do you develop a strategy for managing unstructured content?
Enterprise Content Management is a Strategy, not a repository
How To Develop a Strategy for Managing Your Unstructured Information Step 1: Provide an enterprise content management (ECM) infrastructure for content and applications – Establish an ECM standard for your Organisation Step 2: Manage all content stores, including legacy systems – Uniform policies across content and data – Control information ‘in-place’, where is lives – Critical to encompassing ECM strategy Step 3: Secure information beyond managed environments – Secure content regardless of location – Available from, but not dependent on, ECM infrastructure
Step 1: Provide a Strategic ECM Infrastructure Move critical content to your strategic ECM infrastructure Consider all content types Ensure ECM standard meets all your infrastructure needs Provide SOA capabilities within middleware layer Developing an ECM standard… Reduces integration and administration costs Minimizes risk Eliminate redundant steps Enables content to be shared more efficiently Why?
Step 2: Manage All Content Stores, Including Legacy Systems Federated approach Centralize policies, manage in-place Uniform implementation Understood by users No disruption to business Control heterogeneous infrastructure Maximize existing investment Reduce clutter and storage costs Minimize risk Reality: mixed environments Not all content will move to strategic ECM infrastructure Resource constraints ROI of the move Existing integrations in place Critical business needs Why?
Step 3: Secure Information Beyond Managed Environments Secure and track content everywhere it goes Only authorized users can open and/or modify content Extend security beyond managed environments Online and offline use Centralized revocation of access Reality: content moves from managed environments Security is critical Employee turnover Expanded use of outsourcing Compliance mandates Why?
So… How does ECM work?