Eclipses lunar eclipse over DSO
Eclipses occur at new or full moon Solar Lunar
Why not every full and new moon? 5 degree tilt of the Moon’s orbit means…
…Most new and full: shadow misses
Leads to eclipse seasons now: Sep-Oct/March-April ; Advances ~20days/yr due to 18.6 year nutation
Geometry for Lunar eclipses
Looking out into the shadow
Photo sequence through lunar eclipse
Moon often appears red…
… because of light path
Next lunar eclipse
Geometry of solar eclipses
Eclipse starting with partial phases
Safely viewing a solar eclipse
Almost total: diamond ring effect
Bailey’s Beads
Sometimes not total. Why? “Annular” eclipse
Moon too far away
Total Solar Eclipse Paths Our next good one – August, 2017 … next good one elsewhere …
Next solar eclipse: Turkey: the avian flue eclipse? Starts in Brazil Ends in Mongolia Russia Sahara