LPS Compost Program Brittney Albin Sustainability Coordinator
LPS Elementary School Recycling Rates
Recycling Categories Mixed Office Paper Newspapers & Magazines Plastic & Aluminum Cardboard
Recycling Bins Different bins are used for different materials These bins are for PAPER ONLY They should be located in every classroom These bins are typically for newspaper & magazines These bins are typically for plastic bottles & aluminum cans Be sure to double check signs before you toss something in!
Compost Pilot Program Pilot program at 3 schools in May 2014 Saratoga, Irving, and Southwest Started at Beattie in February, and Sheridan in March Compost is hauled to Prairieland Dairy Used to create all natural soil amendment
Recycling & Composting Report for August March 2015 # of StudentsRecycleCompost Landfill% Diverted from Landfill Southwest High 1,806 48,570 42, ,39046% Irving Middle ,637 51,362 41,00664% Saratoga Elem 310 5,515 19,100 14,82262% Beattie Elem 371 1,115 2,337 4,74742% Sheridan Elem ,654 2,92946% Overall 78, , ,79458% Sheridan Daily Food Waste Log – March 2015 CompostTrashDaily Diversion Compost BagsCompost WeightTrash BagsTrash WeightRate 3/16/2015Monday 3/17/2015Tuesday % 3/18/2015Wednesday % 3/19/2015Thursday % 3/20/2015Friday % 3/23/2015Monday % 3/24/2015Tuesday % 3/25/2015Wednesday % 3/26/2015Thursday % 3/27/2015Friday % 3/30/2015Monday % 3/31/2015Tuesday % Totals Total Diversion89.16% Average Daily Compost150.4 Average Daily Waste18.3
Composting Program Cafeteria Set Up: Silverware Liquids Compost Trash Make sure students sort their trays BEFORE they leave their table!
Compost All Food Scraps Paper Dishes Napkins Straw Wrappers Milk Cartons Paper ‘Boats’ Paper Plates
Trash Plastic Dishes Straws Chip Bags Styrofoam Dishes Plastic Cutlery Foil Wrappers Snack Wrappers
Sorting It is critical that students make the effort to sort their tray BEFORE they get up from the table Buckets will be used to collect trash items at the table
Backyard vs. Commercial
Contact Information Sustainability Coordinator – Brittney Albin (402) ext