The Recycling Process How a used product goes back to being new again!
The Recycling Process Purchase and use of product Home or school Recycling collection Taken to a Sorting facility. Recycled product is Made into pulp or pellets Product is remanufactured. Material made into new products for purchase. Round and round it goes…
Purchase and use of product We buy and use a product that comes in a recyclable material such as plastic, glass, paper, metal, etc.
Home or school recycling collection After we are finished with the use of a product or its container, we dispose of it in a proper bin that is labeled by its material. These can be found at your school, home or just about anywhere. PaperGlass bottles Aluminum cans
Used material is taken to a sorting facility. After the material is disposed in the appropriate recycling bin, it is taken to a sorting facility so the different materials can be separated according to their material type. Sorting… Dumping of used product… Separating trash from recyclable material
Recycled material made into pulp or pellets. The material that is broken down and processed is made into pulp, pellets or chips depending on the material. This done so that it can be easily made into whatever new product is needed Recycled plastic chips. Paper pulp. Recycled aluminum cans
Product is remanufactured. The processed pulp or pellets product is then remanufactured into new products at another facility. New recycled aluminum cans.New recycled rubber tires. New recycled glass bottles.
Material is made into new products for purchase. The material is ready to be used to make new products again. Like in the first step, it can be purchased and used again and then properly recycled again to more new products!
Plastic Bottle Recycle Process
Rubber Tire Recycling Process
Aluminum Cans Recycling Process