Overview Lincoln High School Science students were given the opportunity to present to the community what they felt was either assisting climate change or working to prevent further climate change. Our Science department applied for the Facing the Future grant and thus was donated five digital cameras so it’s students could document what they felt was impacting our environment in regards to climate change. We as a school, and student body, feel that environmental awareness is crucial to our youths’ generation, and if no one else will initiate the spread of information on climate change throughout the community, it is our job to do so.
“An irregular day in February with a clear sky and the sun shining” The people of Port Angeles are enjoying this rare day.
Alternative Fuels Rather than using fossil fuels, if we recycle the extra grease used at restaurants, the grease can substitute for gasoline. By recycling the grease, we are using less fossil fuels, which is crucial to our environments survival.
Water Conservation A simple way of saving water is to simply make sure it is never running while it isn’t necessary. Like not leaving it on while brushing your teeth, taking shorter showers, using extra water to water plants, fixing leaks, using a washing machine or dishwasher only when they are full. While washing dishes by hand, only leave water on while rinsing. You could even collect water from your roof to put in your garden. There are many simple ways to conserve water without taking much effort out of your everyday life.
This home, if it is currently being heated for the occupants, is wasting energy by having broken windows. By not insulating your house properly, a person will need to run utilities longer and waste more energy. Preserving Energy
Alternative Forms of Transportation There are a few environmentally friendly examples in this picture. First off, there’s a bus representing public transportation. Since vehicle exhaust is a leading source of hazardous air pollution, carpooling is an easy and efficient way to help. As you can see on the bridge, there are quite a few pedestrians. Any chance you get to walk rather than drive would be the right thing to do. Not only will it help you become a healthier person, but it will also help us create a healthier environment.
Public Transportation Riding busses lessens the amount of cars people use. Which lessens the amount of fossil fuels we use to fuel cars. That will reduce the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere Riding busses lessens the amount of cars people use. Which lessens the amount of fossil fuels we use to fuel cars. That will reduce the amount of carbon emissions released into the atmosphere, And the less carbon emissions released into the air will make the air cleaner to breath and will slow down the extreme effects of climate change.
Properly Storing Food Making sure your food is properly stored in a place where it can not expire will save you money, a trip to the grocery and will reduce the amount of waste you dismiss. Energy is put into the production of any product, and to let one rot is not only a waste of a perfectly edible item that could feed someone who is less fortunate, but also a waste of energy. We ask that the public recycles plastics, aluminum, and cardboards, and uses compost for item that can be composted back into the environment.
Walking When you walk instead of driving you can save a lot of energy, and fuel. By not burning up as much gasoline we are reserving fossil fuels and not release at much Carbon Dioxide into the ozone. If you have to go a long ways take the bus!
Recycling helps reduce landfills and in turn keeps our planet that much greener. A greener planet helps convert CO2 into Oxygen. Recycling
Recycling benefits the environment by serving as raw materials to numerous different industries. Also, the act of recycling reduces green house gases, avoids the cost of waste, reduces pollution, and conserves energy. More on Recycling….