Warm ups Grade 6 TEKS
3/31/ What is an element – Give examples What is a compound – Give examples
4/1 Metals / metalloids / non-metals – Label good or poor conductor, malleable or not, and if they have luster or not.
4/3 D=M/V Density can be measured 2 ways (what are they)? Aluminum has a volume of 15 mL and has a mass of 45 g what is its density?
4/4 What is potential energy? What is kinetic energy? Label the place with highest and lowest kinetic and potential energy?
4/5 What is the equation for speed and velocity? What is the distance a vehicle traveled if it was traveling at 50 m/s for 10 seconds. How long did a car travel for if it traveled 20 meters at 10 m/s.
4/8/13 Draw a motion graph of an object at a constant velocity Draw a motion graph of an object that did not move over time.
4/9/13 Draw a motion graph of an object that accelerated Draw a motion graph of an object that started forward and at some time went backwards.
4/10/13 List the different types of energy Fill in blanks with the type of energy A B C
4/11/13 What causes the planets to keep revolving around the sun? What is the gravitational constant?
4/12/13 What is a unicellular organism? What is a multicellular organism? What is a prokaryotic cell? What is a eukaryotic cell?
4/15/13 What is an autotroph? What is a heterotroph?
4/16/13 What is asexual reproduction? – What are the 2 main types What is sexual reproduction?
4/17/13 What are the 5 kingdoms? – People – Always – Make – Frugal – Purchases
4/18/13 Which of the 5 kingdoms is unicellular?