Survey Results Penny’s Hill Practice 2011/ 2012
Introduction 98% of all statistics are made up Statistics can be made to prove anything - even the truth “Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.”
Introduction The purpose of the Patient Participation Directed Enhanced Service is give patients a greater say in the quality and range of services provided by general practice. Today only around 40% of practices have a patient group of any kind. The aim of the PP DES is to ensure that all practices involve patients as fully as possible in development of their services.
Survey Demographics Sex Long-standing illness, Disability or infirmary? MaleFemale Number of responses YesNo Number of responses AgeNumber of responses Up to 44 years old43 45 years old and above160 Mean61.8
Ensure representative group of patients reflecting practice profile Determine priorities Type of survey Recommendations Action Plan
Priority areas
Survey Demographics More representative of practice population High proportion of elderly patients responded
Ethnicity WhiteBlack or Black BritishAsian or Asian British MixedChineseOther ethnic group 99% 1%
Percentage of responses Getting through on the telephone
Question Ability to get through to practice on phone Ability to speak to doctor on phone
Obtaining test results by telephone Seeing a doctor quickly Same day or next day Seeing a doctor In advance Seeing a practice nurse Percentage of responses 84
Booking appointments at the practice Can other patients overhear what you say to the receptionists How do you rate the information we give out about the practice How would you like to receive information from the practice
The next steps An action plan will be developed detailing the practice’s aspirations for the next 2 years