Voice Over IP Peter Cochrane
Changes will be mega-destructive… BlueTooth Ultra Wideband WiFi + WiMax MP3 Voice Over Internet Protocol (VOIP) Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) Blogs & Video Blogs …are only the start
We can only guess/imagine what our networks will be expected to support in the next decade/s…and it is the customers who decide and not the companies Peter Cochrane 1995
Network Laws - Broadcast n Connectivity = < n/2 One way only Not all are always on
Network Laws - Telephone n < n/2 Broadcast < n(n-1)/2 ~n 2 Bothways - Customer Control Availability >99%
Network Laws - Internet n < n/2 Broadcast Telephone < n(n-1)/2 ~n N …n N n Always - customer control Availability >95%
How many friends do you have…...how many people do you know? Separation People You Know 0=>30=>300 1=>900=>90,000 2=>27,000=>27,000,000 3=>810,000=>8,100,000,000 4=>24,300,000 5=>729,000,000 6=>21,870,000,000
The Telephone Network Dedicated point to point connections based on old analogue technologies spanning >100 years Reliable, dependable, well developed, well understood, but limited and in decline
From fixed line to…. …..Mobile From talk to…..Text
Millions ,400 1,200 1, WEB Mobile Phones Cellular Mobile Customers PC's on Line Fixed Line Phones VOIP Mobile Devices A dying circuit switched network A growing IP network PSTN v Packet Switched (IP - VOIP) Space 1Bn
Local Region National International Switches Gateway XXX X X X X X X X AnalogueAnalogue Digital Telephone Basics
IP - Packet Switched Networks S R S Server Router/Switch RR R R R R R Packets of bits in serial transmission Packets arrive in wrong order & have to be reassembled correctly
Voice Over Packet Switched Networks (VOIP) S R S Server Router/Switch -Telephone -Mobile -Headset RR R R R R R
Telco VOIP S R S ServerRouter -Telephone -Mobile -Headset RX Nailed Down Routers & Switches
Circuit to Packet …. Cost Reduced to 10%
Death to the PBX? X WiFi/BlueTooth Mobile/ PDA PBX VOIP Gateway PSTN Circuit Switched Network Internet Intranet
A world of opportunity & risk…. Thank you, cochrane.org.uk conceptlabs.net