Agenda Welcome and introductions The Health Ambassador East programme What you might do as a Health Ambassador You and what you have to offer The health.


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Presentation transcript:

Agenda Welcome and introductions The Health Ambassador East programme What you might do as a Health Ambassador You and what you have to offer The health and social care curriculum Preparing a talk or workshop Resources Working with schools Next steps Any questions?

Introductions What is your current role? What are you hoping to get out of today’s session?

Health Ambassadors East – aims The aim of the Health Ambassadors East project is to bring healthcare professionals together with young people to talk about job opportunities within healthcare.

How is this achieved? NHS and other healthcare organisations holding open days, careers events, work experience programmes, mentoring and volunteer placements Connecting education and healthcare professionals through brokerage in order that young people gain an insight into the world of work

Why do we need Health Ambassadors? Health Ambassadors East forms part of regional workforce planning. The NHS needs to ensure it has a skilled workforce that can deliver high-quality patient care in the future This includes ensuring that young people and those advising them have up-to-date information on careers and job opportunities in healthcare

What is a Health Ambassador? An enthusiastic individual who is willing to inspire and encourage young people to think about a career or job opportunities both clinical and non-clinical in the healthcare sector

Health Ambassadors Enthusiastic Passionate about their work Ability to engage with young people Act as role models Involved in working with local schools Customise opportunities to your interests Commitment: no obligation – 1 or 2 events per annum

What do Health Ambassadors do? Careers fairs and conventions, world of work Options evenings Apprenticeship events Drop-in sessions, Q&A sessions Talks in classroom, assemblies, PSHE Curriculum support: particular areas Workshops: roleplay, problem solving, activities, props Employability skills, mock interviews, CV writing Conferences, scenario days, industry days

Employer engagement – on your site Work experience/volunteering Tours/taster sessions Job shadowing Mentoring E-mentoring

What can you offer? Your experience of your job role Knowledge of previous roles How you fit into your organisation Overview of other jobs/opportunities within your organisation or the wider NHS

What can Health Ambassadors East offer? Induction and training Brokerage into school events Access to resources Advice and guidance on working with young people Ongoing support

The health and social care curriculum educational establishments require greater support with delivering: Human growth and development Communications and values Positive care environments Social aspects and lifestyle choices Activities for health and wellbeing Public health Meeting individual needs Promoting health and wellbeing Investigating disease Using and understanding research Social issues and welfare needs Understanding human behaviour… and much more

Preparing a talk or workshop Why? Clarity of learning outcomes How? Structure, enjoyable and interesting Environment? Accessible and appropriate Resources? Clear, stimulating, gender and culturally diverse

Preparing a talk or workshop – 2 Initial impact must be positive Icebreaker activities – exercise Introduce yourself and your organisation Describe aims, objective and learning outcomes Activity Conclusion Avoid death by PowerPoint!

Learning styles Appeal to different learning styles: – Visual: learning through seeing – Audio: learning through listening – Kinaesthetic: learning through moving, doing and touching Keep things moving Remember the age of your audience Promote diversity Be safe Check out your ideas

Workshop ideas Induction sessions for work experience Complete a care plan as part of a lesson Applying for jobs in the NHS Develop a patient pathway Communication skills Use of real life examples Photos can stimulate discussion

Events you may be asked to support ‘Speed-dating’ – young people would spend a few minutes with you one-to-one Lead a discussion or take part in a Q&A session Activities – prepare cards with a number of different jobs and ask young people to put them in order of importance Use existing materials – e.g. film clips from Step into the NHS Simulate a healthcare setting in the classroom and encourage roleplay Two Health Ambassadors could simulate a job interview where questions are asked about requirements for a healthcare role and previous roles

Resources NHS Careers: – You can order NHS Careers leaflets Step into the NHS: Health Ambassadors East: – You can obtain HAE freebies and promotional items Skills for Health: NHS Employers: Turning Work Experience into Work Inspiration:

Delivering in schools Check learning outcomes School, place (room type) and time Check equipment and resources Telephone and details of school contact Size, age and gender of the group Dress appropriately Give yourself enough time – e.g. parking Feedback and follow-up

Do’s and don’ts Do Be honest and straightforward Be as well prepared as you can Be confident that you have a role to play Ask and provide feedback Don’t Get involved with discipline Take a class or group on your own Meet an individual student on your own

Next steps Sign up as a Health Ambassador today Decide what type of activities you feel you can support Are you confident to deliver sessions to groups of young people? Would you prefer to attend careers events? Complete a pen portrait

Any questions? If you have any queries or require some assistance, contact: Name: Website: