Page 1 Fall, 2010 Regional Cross Sector Meeting Elements of an Effective Protocol
Page 2 Purpose The purpose of this presentation is to more fully explore the elements of a protocol that effectively promote and support the educational success of children and youth in care of the Children’s Aid Societies. The two ministries recognize that some of you have, or are in the process of developing protocols. This presentation, based on literature review and jurisdictional scans (including of the United Kingdom, the United States, Alberta, and British Columbia), aims to further that achievement by providing some insight into what are considered the key elements of an effective protocol.
Page 3 Protocols Protocols are an agreed upon code of conduct within, and between, organizations that establishes standardised tasks or processes. The development of appropriate local protocols between school boards and CASs province-wide is a critical step in ensuring that children and youth in care receive uninterrupted education and are able to benefit from all the learning opportunities, supports and interventions available in schools. Effective protocols will enhance coordination, collaboration and partnership between the two sectors both jurisdictionally and inter-jurisdictionally to ensure efficient and effective education-service delivery for children and youth in care. This would include clearly establishing and defining roles, responsibilities and working relationships; setting operational and administrative processes; and establishing robust issue resolution and recourse mechanisms.
Page 4 Current Status An informal survey of school boards, conducted by the Ministry of Education (EDU), to identify existing local protocols between the two sectors indicates that while a number of school boards have some protocols in place with CASs in their jurisdiction, the majority of these seem to be either restricted to their policies around Child Abuse Reporting Policy or limited in scope (e.g. safety or operational protocols). There is a wide range in the type, scope and implementation of any existing “protocols” across the province. These range from informal understandings based on individual personnel relationships to formalized written agreements. There is no standard protocols structure or general agreement on best practice protocol “components”. Both school boards and CASs recognize the need for protocols between the two sectors to better support children and youth in care. Most are either currently working on enhancing existing protocols or are looking into partnering to develop new protocols.
Page 5 Information Sharing Strategy Administrative Processes including registration etc. Transition Supports CaringAdults Educational Progress Data Collection Educational Stability Planning Accessibility to Educational Supports Student Success Planning GOAL Educational Success of Student in Care
Page 6 Process of Developing Protocols Research (literature and jurisdictional scans) indicates that to be effective the development of protocols between school boards and associated CASs has to be founded on the acceptance that the educational needs of children and youth in care is a significant aspect of their overall and long term well-being. Components of an Effective Protocol Development Process Commitment to collaborative process: Equal roles & understanding of responsibilities for outcomes by both sectors Mutual acceptance of fundamental responsibility for educational success of students in care Agreement to work around challenges of the mandates and other related issues Recognition of need for continuous improvement, clear issue resolution and effective recourse mechanisms in any agreed upon protocols
Page 8 Defining Working Together Structure Key Partners and Signatories Protocol Implementation Leads in Both Sectors: High level responsibility and accountability Key Contact Information PROTOCOLS IMPLEMENTATION STRUCTURE DSB Protocol Implementation Lead CAS Protocol Implementation Lead Key DSB Contact Key CAS Contact
Page 9 Key Elements in Effective Protocols - Processes DEFINING WORKING TOGETHER PROCESSES Change in Residential Placement Communications protocols (including for informing DSB/school of residential placement changes) Joint process for determining school placement based on best interest of the child with respect to remaining in same school versus moving to a new school o Roles and responsibilities o Rationale supporting decision based on best interest of student o Appropriate timelines for decision o Documentations requirement to support decision o Process for collection of all required documentation and records if student is moving to a new DSB/school
Page 10 Key Elements in Effective Protocols - Processes DEFINING WORKING TOGETHER PROCESSES (Cont’d) Registration at new school Process within and outside school board jurisdiction Documentation requirements (i.e. reports cards; IEP or IPRC documentation if OSR nor readily or immediately available) Appropriate timelines for action Temporary arrangement plans in case of undue delay in registration Recourse mechanism if processes fail and result in delay in registration BEST PRACTICE “CARE TEAM” Research indicates that the development of a “CARE TEAM” dedicated to supporting and promoting the educational achievement of individual children and youth in care is an effective tool for case management. An ideal “Care Team” should include appropriate school and CAS staff; the child/youth’s caregiver(s); the child/youth in care and other community partners based on the circumstances of the child/youth.
Page 11 Key Elements in Effective Protocols - Processes DEFINING WORKING TOGETHER PROCESSES (Cont’d) Student Success planning for Child/Youth in care Student in care educational progress data collection and information sharing process o Access to information parameters o Method, frequency and timing Development of a plan for student success o Ongoing monitoring of progress in schools o Access to supports and interventions (including for transitions and from Student Success Teams, Student Success Teacher) o Access to engaging, relevant and flexible programming o Engagement of students in care o Access to CAS educational services and supports
Page 12 Key Elements in Effective Protocols - Processes DEFINING WORKING TOGETHER PROCESSES (Cont’d) Special Issues Early school leaving, extended absences, suspension, expulsion o Processes, policies and implementation plan Special education needs o Planning process o Appropriate timelines for access to supports and services o Issue resolution plan BEST PRACTICE Providing for as much flexibility and support in dealing with these issues is highly encouraged as it leads to better outcomes for the students
Page 13 Key Elements in Effective Protocols - Processes OVERALL ISSUE RESOLUTION PROCESS & RECOURSE MECHANISMS Processes, policies and implementation plan o Supervisory authorities that provide for handling of issues when protocols fail o Issue/dispute resolution plan MONITORING AND EVALUATION OF PROTOCOLS FOR IMPROVEMENT & TO ADDRESS GAPS Monitoring and evaluation plan Appropriate timelines for response Proposed response to evaluation