Carol Tullo and Isobel Siddons May 2013 The National Archives and local government archive services
THE NATIONAL ARCHIVES Government department UK Government archive National Archive for England and Wales Advise ministers on archival and information policy Regulatory role for sector Leadership role for the archives sector: October 2011 Who do we lead? 2000 archives in England Massive variety: size, subject, parent body, funding
LOCAL AUTHORITY ARCHIVES Backbone of the archive network – local access to collections of local (and national) importance 120 local authority archive services 90 are Places of Deposit for public records Not just culture and history – also evidence and information including for councils themselves Assets: collections, expert staff, large volume of volunteers Massive online audience, digitisation of core family history resources
VISION FOR THE ARCHIVES SECTOR Archives for the 21 st century: government policy Sustainable services Accreditation – self improvement framework TNA supports and fosters innovation in technical and professional standards, and in new approaches top service delivery
WHAT WE OFFER Expertise as a practitioner body: national and international reputation Unlocking expertise embedded in sector through networks, case studies, models, partnerships Influencing policy landscape, regionally and nationally Research evidence and advocacy Partnership brokering Pilot initiatives and demonstrator models Consortia approaches Training and advice via website and training programme Funding Centralised database to increase access to archives
ENGAGEMENT TEAM Primary point of contact for local authority archives Engagement Managers regionally Work with services, managers, regional strategic partners and funders Broad based technical knowledge and access to experts in TNA and sector: GPs or telephone operators Strategic interventions, including place based approaches Focus on innovation and development as well as crisis
KEY CHALLENGES SUSTAINABILITY Governance and new service delivery models Guidance and case studies, service review seminar, pilot projects, research Audience development Training, guidance, research, partnership projects, Campaign
KEY CHALLENGES SUSTAINABILITY Funding and income generation Funding advisor, strategic relationships, training and development programmes, guidance, case studies research, peer knowledge exchange network Planning, vision, advocacy Accreditation, guidance, training – including CCLOA outcomes framework, case studies
KEY CHALLENGES ARCHIVE ISSUES Digital records Expert advice and research, storage in the cloud procurement list, digitisation consortia, peer wiki, website archiving 20 Year Rule Advice, process improvement, advocacy with central government
Isobel Siddons Head of Engagement 10