Programme for Health Service Improvement in Cardiff and the Vale of Glamorgan CARDIFF AND VALE NHS TRUST YMDDIRIEDOLAETH GIG CAERDYDD A’R FRO
Overview Background and context National position Regional position Local position
Designed For Life (1) Improved Performance Reducing Inequalitie s Clinical Excellence Sustainability Designed for Life - Creating World Class Health and Social Care Clinical Networks Strong Commissioning Research & Development Workforce redesign IM&T Community involvemen t
Designed For Life (3) Levels of Care Local acute services Services provided at home & in the community Specialist and Critical Care Centres Tertiary and highly specialist services Determinants of Health EffectivenessBest PracticeLocal Needs Policy Development Cardiff and Vale NHS Trust Bro Morgannwg NHS Trust
Designed For Life – Three Phases 2005 – 2008 Redesigning care 2008 – 2001 Higher standards Ensuring “Full Engagement”
Designed For Life (4) – Regional Acute Services Plans Secondary care reconfiguration plans by March 12 week process of public consultation/engagement from April Strategic Outline Plans to WAG by November The outcomes will underpin future capital investment decisions
What is happening across Wales? “Designed for North Wales” – consulting on Balance of health services between hospital & Primary Care Strategic configuration of acute health services Mid & West Wales ? consulting on options for acute hospital services, including single site for Swansea, new hospital for West Wales……. South East Wales….. An engagement document ……
Planning and Delivering Health Services in South East Wales Sets out the drivers for change Sets out our key challenges Providing more services locally Implications of shift to primary and community Public education Seeks views on our direction of travel Outlines progress in three sub regions & issues to be addressed Demonstrates our commitment to working with stakeholders Sets out the next steps
Programme for Health Service Improvement in Cardiff and the Vale joined up balance between local and specialist service issues Strong clinical engagement Consistent and effective stakeholder involvement Effective public engagement
How will it work? 3 BOARDS 3 Executive Teams Communications Group Programme for Health Services Improvement Project Board Clinical Reference Group Clinical Services Group Resources Group National/Regional Planning Processes HSC&WB Planning C&V Health Community Forum Finance Estates IM&TWorkforcePriority Work Areas
What must it deliver? A clear and shared vision for health care services across Cardiff and VoG to deliver Designed for Life targets A “launch document” by the end of March 2006 A process for effective public engagement and public consultation An agreed strategic service plan by the Autumn 2006 and public consultation in summer 2007
Emerging Model of Care Safe services as locally as possible Greater focus on improving health, in particular long term condition management Improved integration with social care, particularly around intermediate and rehabilitation Ensuring achievement of 2009 Access Targets
What should it mean for the public, patients and carers? Right care, right time, right place, right professional More care in,or closer to home Targeted services based on need Improved continuity of care Less visits to hospital Greater involvement in prioritising healthcare provision
What might it look like? A network of primary care resource centres Modern mental health services Modern, integrated rehabilitation and intermediate care services Responsive, sustainable and high quality hospital based services
Priorities for early work Primary and Community Services Mental health Elective care & Access 2009 Children’s Services Older People Cancer services
Primary & Community based services Resource centres Long term condition management Unscheduled care Rehabilitation & Intermediate care
Mental Health Taking forward agreed strategy to improve community based services Enabling the early closure of Whitchurch Maximising potential for service integration, including Western Vale
Elective Care/Access 2009 Ensuring optimal use of capacity across UHW and Llandough Separating elective and emergency flows where possible Managing demand through development of agreed pathways
Children’s Services Supporting ongoing development of community based services Improving services for children and young people with mental health problems Improving hospital based services for local children and those children in South Wales who need more specialist services as part of the Phase II development of the Children’s Hospital for Wales
Cancer Services Developing a clear commissioning framework for SE Wales that reflects national guidance to improve outcomes for cancer patients Establishing Cardiff as a centre of excellence for specialist cancer related surgery
Our Timetable March/April 2006Launch local document and start process of listening and development May-September 2006 Clinical redesign workshops held and models and priorities for change identified November 2006Strategic Outline Plan produced for WAG Capital Investment Board January – March 2007 Test models through engagement process May-September 2007 Formal public consultation
Phase I – Listening to what we need to know? How are local services currently meeting your needs, and those of your family and friends? What is working well? What could be improved? What are your priorities for improving health care services locally Do you agree with the direction of travel we have set out? What would help you and members of your family most in maintaining your health and independence?
And finally…… A comprehensive and joined up plan for the development of health services which: Puts the patient and carer at the centre Makes the connections Is forward looking Is based on good information Has clinical support Has public support
.. Pause for reflection….. Is the proposed structure still fit for purpose? For example…. Clinical reference group/LMAC… Community Forum… Regional/Supra Regional planning Managing tension of Short Term and Longer Term priorities Capacity Financial imperatives