Every Child Matters Improving outcomes for children in the UK Dr Gillian Pugh DBE Oslo, April 2006 Early interventions for infants and small children in families at risk
The broad government policy agenda Reducing child poverty Improving support for families Reducing social exclusion Strengthening communities Improving health Raising educational standards Improving access to work Reform of public services Basing services on what consumers want and evidence of what works Joined up thinking and joined up services Participation of children and young people in decision making
Early intervention and prevention: using the evidence Risk and protective factors – for the child, the family, the community Impact of early attachments and environmental circumstances on early brain development Long term impact of high quality early education Importance of parents and style of parenting Strategies for reaching out to vulnerable families Bringing services together across agency boundaries to focus on the child Providing targeted support within mainstream services
Effective intervention strategies Centre on the needs of children Are empowering and respectful Support parents in playing a key role in supporting children’s development and learning Recognise that emotional and cognitive development are inextricably interwoven Build on families and early years centres Are based in communities Recognise that self-esteem in both parents and children helps secure positive long term outcomes Start early and are, when necessary, intensive Respond in a joined up way Involve children and families in their planning and delivery
Every Child Matters – what is it about? Response to Laming enquiry into the death of Victoria Climbie – lack of accountability and no sharing of information Improving outcomes for ALL children, and narrowing the gap between those who do well and those who do not Strengthening the links between well being and educational attainment Improving and integrating universal services Strong focus on families and parenting Earlier interventions and effective protection More specialist help to promote opportunity and prevent problems Reconfiguring services around the child and family Every Child Matters HM Treasury, 2003
Five main outcomes for all children Stay safe Be healthy Enjoy and achieve Make a positive contribution Achieve economic well being Supported by parents, carers and families
Children & Young People Leadership at every level Shared Vision Involvement of children & young people Children’s trusts involve… Source: DfES
Children’s trusts as catalysts for local change Children and young people at the centre Integrated people – staff trained with a common core, multi-disciplinary teams, co-location and a lead professional Integrated processes – information sharing and common assessment Integrated systems – planning and commissioning with pooled resources Inter-agency governance – director of children’s services and lead member for children’s services
Children Act 2004 – some headlines Establishment of Children’s Commissioner for England Local authorities to promote cooperation between agencies to improve children’s well being and to set up Children’s Trusts Key agencies to safeguard and protect the welfare of children – through Local Safeguarding Children’s Boards Single Children and Young People’s Plan Local authorities to appoint a director of children’s services and a lead elected councillor for children’s services Integrated inspection framework to inform inspection of all services
The long term vision Developing integrated education, childcare, health and social care, including family support services 0 – 19 through – Children’s centres – Extended schools – Improved services for young people With better support for parents Provided by a better qualified workforce And more effective interplay between universal and specialist services
Click to edit Master title style Click to edit Master text styles – Second level Third level – Fourth level Fifth level 12 Vulnerable Children 14,000 children in Telford & Wrekin vulnerable Early intervention –closing the gap through…. Information Sharing Common Assessment Lead professional Team Around the Child Multi-agency work in school & community clusters Local Commissioning – Change for Children Boards One process for all children
Some challenges Resources Focus currently on structures rather than on outcomes Little engagement as yet with children, young people and parents Weak links still with some schools and general health practitioners Will funding continue to be availability for preventive services? Research based policy – but will government wait for evaluation? Different views of what works – community empowerment or structured interventions?