1 Competency Renewal
2 Why have the Competency Specs changed? To ensure they reflect current industry practice So we can manage any risks identified by the industry Look at new, cost-effective methods of delivery Try to get more industry-led content
The Process Work with the Quality and Standards Group Established Expert Working Groups for each sector Telephone interviews Seek active participation of stakeholders On-line consultation 3
Door Supervision Specification Revision of physical skills Content on vulnerability Queue and crowd management Take out some content (e.g. drugs) Physical Intervention to be reviewed 4
Security Guarding Inclusion of Electronic and Physical security systems Awareness of crime reduction partnerships Enhanced communication session Changes to searching session 5
Close Protection Limited number of changes More emphasis on team activities and briefings More specific on the meaning of threat levels Consider crowd safety 6
CViT Common unit felt to be less relevant Removed much of the specialist content Increase the content on working in a team 7
CCTV Update legislation to include references to FOI, Voyeurism Emphasis of evidential value of images Training in response to emergencies 8
Structure and delivery Some sectors wanted a fuller common unit CViT and CCTV less keen Support for more flexible learning 9