A Brief Introduction to Testing Development 教育部课程教材研究所 研究员 李静纯 2008 年 7 月 16 日 乌鲁木齐.


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A Brief Introduction to Testing Development
Presentation transcript:

A Brief Introduction to Testing Development 教育部课程教材研究所 研究员 李静纯 2008 年 7 月 16 日 乌鲁木齐

PART 1 Test Construction

What is Testing construction? The whole process of testing A certain purpose for the curriculum The three periods The planning The desighning of the whole test Constructing a test for the purpose Writing all the tasks for the test Administration

The three periods Design (设计) Operationalization (编制) Administration (实施)

PART 2 Standards for testing development

The American Standard for Testing development CANDIDATES Number of the candidates Learning level Characteristics of the group Characteristics of individuals

The American Standard for Testing development CONTENT Range ( 范围 ) Objectives ( 目标 ) Flexibility ( 灵活性 ) Accuracy ( 准确性 ) Appropriation ( 适应性 )

Appropriation is very important! Daily teaching testing Daily learning testing Last testing this testing The text book testing Formative assessment testing Daily scoring testing scoring

The American Standard for Testing development Administration: Scoring ( 赋分 ) Scoring system ( 赋分系统 ) Timing ( 时间安排 ) Difficulty leveling ( 难度比例 ) Sequence of the tasks ( 难度次序 ) Effective operation ( 高效运作 ) Instruction ( 指示语 ) Correlation ( 试题相关性 )

PART 3 Test writing

Type 1 Multiple choice

Elements of multiple choice Look! Nancy is ______________ a kite in the park A. flyB. flies C. flying Stem Options Distractors The hey

Elements of multiple choice --- Erin, see, what did I find? --- Oh, my lost key! --- Where _________ you find it ? A. do B. are C. did

Elements of multiple choice --- Erin, see, what’s it? --- Oh, my lost key! --- Where _________ you find it. A. do B. are C. did

Elements of multiple choice --- Erin, see, what did I find? --- Oh, my lost key! _______________ A. Thank you very much. B. Where did you find it? C. I’m looking for it ! ?

Elements of multiple choice --- Erin, see, what did I find? --- Oh, my lost key! _______________ A. Is it mine ? B. Where did you find it? C. I’ll take it.

Type 2 Text comprehension

I Nancy is an old woman in England. She has no children. She has dogs. She has black dogs and white dogs. She has mother dogs and baby dogs. So children like to come to her house. 2 The children play with the dogs. They ask a lot of questions about dogs. They sing and dance. And the dogs run and jump. The children are happy. The dogs are happy. So Nancy is happy too.

3 But The children and the dogs make too much noice. Nancy does not like it. 4 She has an idea. “The children love my dogs.” she thinks. And then she gives each child a dog. The children are happy. The dogs are happy. But Nancy is not happy. “Oh, I have no dogs.” she says And the children do not come to her house.

WE CAN REWRITE THE TEXT: Nancy is an old woman in England. She has no children. She has dogs. She has black dogs and white dogs. She has mother dogs and baby dogs. So children like to come to her house. The children play with the dogs. They ask a lot of questions about dogs. They sing and dance. And the dogs run and jump. The children are happy. The dogs are happy. So Nancy is happy too.

But they make too much noice. Nancy does not like it. She has an idea. “The children love my dogs.” she thinks. And then she gives each child a dog. The children are happy. The dogs are happy. But Nancy is not happy. “Oh, I have no dogs.” she says And the children do not come to her house.

WE CAN REWRITE THE TEXT: Nancy is an old woman in England. She has no children. She has dogs. So children like to come to her house. They sing and dance. And the dogs run and jump. Nancy is happy. But they make too much noice. Nancy does not like it. And then she gives each child a dog. The children are happy. The dogs are happy. But Nancy is not happy.

WE CAN REWRITE THE TEXT: Nancy is an old woman in England. She has no children. She has dogs. So children like to come to her house. They sing and dance with the dogs. Nancy is happy. But they make too much noice. Nancy does not like it. So she gives each child a dog. But Nancy is not happy.

WE CAN REWRITE THE TEXT: Old Nancy has no children. She has dogs. Children like to come to her house. They sing and dance with the dogs. Nancy is happy. But they make too much noice. Nancy does not like it. So she gives each child a dog. But Nancy is not happy now.

Writing: Can you make Nancy happy again? Can you help Nancy? How can you help solve the problem?