© Crown copyright 2006 Professional development meeting PDM 3 – mathematics Strengthening pedagogy for underperforming groups
© Crown copyright 2006 The circles of inclusion Learning objectives Teaching styles Access 12 3
© Crown copyright 2006 Review of assessment task What are the next steps to move each child towards the target objective? Did anything you found surprise you? What difficulties, errors or misconceptions were shared by many children in the group? Are there common areas of misunderstanding that occurred across several year groups?
© Crown copyright 2006 Aspects of teaching How do we identify and set learning expectations for all children use and structure dialogue in the mathematics classroom promote and use interactions with and between children structure mathematics lessons plan the teaching sequence use resources, including ICT, to support learning?
© Crown copyright 2006 Activity 1: Identify and set learning expectations To ensure that appropriately challenging objectives are identified for underperforming children what features of the tracking activity in PDM 2 can be incorporated into your everyday planning and assessment procedures?
© Crown copyright 2006 Activity 2: Promote interaction with and between children What different types of question are used? How are assessment opportunities built into the session? What features of this session could you incorporate into guided group work when you support underperforming children?
© Crown copyright 2006 Activity 3: Structure mathematics lessons and plan teaching sequence Is lesson structure planned flexibly according to the particular intentions for the lesson? Do all children experience a range of working styles during the week (independent, paired and group work)? Do underperforming children experience a good balance of supported and independent work? How regularly do you (the teacher) work with underperforming children? Does each unit include sufficient time for consolidation and review of learning? How effectively is the use and application of mathematics integrated into each unit?
© Crown copyright 2006 Activity 4: Use resources, including ICT, and dialogue to support learning How does dialogue and interaction between children support those who may be struggling with concepts? What strategies does Chris use to promote effective discussion? How does the use of models and images help children to secure understanding?
© Crown copyright 2006 Discussion To address the key areas of difficulty faced by many of our underperforming children what whole-school actions can we take?
© Crown copyright 2006 Follow-up task Use the support and guidance on the Primary Framework website or DVD to plan a unit of work. This should be from the block that most strongly develops the school’s focus aspect of mathematics. (Teachers spent some time in PDM 2 looking at this block guidance.) Use the assessment information for underperforming children to plan appropriately challenging learning intentions for this group, which will move them towards the target objective. Incorporate the actions you have identified on handout PU1 to overcome any barriers to learning for your underperforming children.