Feedback and Advice about Delivery Planning for Salford NRA Team
l eadership openness & honesty systems & processes outward facing Decision making objectives clarity culture user views information Audit Commission, Governance of Partnerships 2005 Partnerships need effective accountability
What is this all about? Clarity and focus Joined up ness Delivery planning evidence collaboration good process Strengthening the whole system…
Key Factors in Organisational Transformation How are we doing? OD Key Factors Positive Purpose Leadership Adequate scale Productive relationships Localised ODPM Organisational Development Resource 2005 progress
Positive Purpose Transformational purpose of process clear to some people Residual fixation with plans rather than planning
Leadership Strong advocacy from top management in Council Visible leadership in PCT Lack of clarity about objective theme leadership in Economy and Environment Low visibility of some objective/theme leads- culture of substitution
Adequate Scale Connections with other transformational initiatives not clear enough –Transform Salford
Productive central-operational relationships New role of enabling core also a challenge –Tending –Tasking –Trusting
Sensitivity to Local Circumstances Strengthening integration with existing processes: –Health planning –Liveability planning –CE Strategy But danger of disconnections from others: –Connecting People –Children’s Agenda –Sub-regional plans
Getting more clarity and focus… Weak integration of information of local knowledge and data and across- Tentative interpretation of information Inadequate information on needs/causes Poor Mapping of Locality Picture-
Improving collaboration… Some new people in the room Some new conversations Several people getting into new ways of doing business But default setting to fragmentation Residual self- protectiveness Collboration leading to joined up ness
Community Engagement Worklessness Health LEQ Transport Community Safety Enterprise Educational attainment Housing So far…
How to get the most from the delivery planning process... Minimum Aspiration Improve technical skills –Identifying information needs/sources –Providing and sharing information –Interpreting information for decision purposes –Creating plans that flow from evidence More coherent, consistent and plausible plans, incremental change but unlikely a significant impact on outcomes for local people
and Pilot multi-agency locality planning –To stimulate innovation and differentiation in service delivery –To develop the skills and arrangements for tackling multiple deprivation at a neighbourhood level –To learn about what works
Or go for transformation… Engage leadership at the highest level across system through key events/conversations Visible leaders engage and model new behaviours Focus all change initiatives –Integrate delivery planning with other key change programmes so as to reduce fragmentation, duplication and confusion –Agree what the key whole system planning events/conversations need to be – resource them properly-use them to feed all planning processes
What are the key conversations? Empowered Salford –People believe in themselves –People get involved in services and decisions that affect them –People with expectations of a good life for themselves and their family Working Salford –Quality of work opportunities and reward –Work as as empowering and rewarding, not punishment
and Happy, healthy Salford for everyone –Healthy lifestyle choices and opportunities –Inter-generational relationships –Focus on children and older people
Whole Systems Planning Events Part of a change programme –Conversations across the system –Enhances ability to cope with complexity –Catalyzes new solutions –Transforms perceptions and relationships –Strengthens self-responsibility Whole system present taking responsibility See the big picture before working on part of it Capable of getting to causes not symptoms