1 Samuel
Context Context: Follows on from Judges Follows on from Judges Historical narrative Historical narrative Some written by Samuel – the rest written by Nathan and Gad Some written by Samuel – the rest written by Nathan and Gad 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel are supposed to be ONE book 1 Samuel and 2 Samuel are supposed to be ONE book Book of contrast Book of contrast – Eli vs Samuel – Saul vs David – Rule of God vs Rule of man
3 Main Characters: Samuel – Chapters 1-8 Samuel – Chapters 1-8 Saul – Chapters 9-15 Saul – Chapters 9-15 David – Chapters David – Chapters 16-31
3 Character’s Plots: Samuel’s ministry: Samuel’s ministry: – Born to Hannah – who was barren – Grew up under Eli – who died when Ark of the Covenant was stolen – He anoints 2 kings – yet only sees one reign – Last of the judges of Israel
Saul’s reign: (the beginning of the Monarchy) Saul’s reign: (the beginning of the Monarchy) – He was given the greatest opportunity yet he was the greatest failure 1 Sam 12: Sam 12:14-15 – The people chose Saul – he was head and shoulders above the rest (1 Sam 9:2), but God chose David – Israel turned away from Theocracy (God as King) to Monarchy (one king)
David’s rise to prominence David’s rise to prominence – Irony – Gods’ vision vs man’s vision – His kingship was: Announced by Samuel (16-17) Announced by Samuel (16-17) Acknowledged by Jonathan (18-19) Acknowledged by Jonathan (18-19) Attacked by Saul (20-31) Attacked by Saul (20-31) – 17 years between being anointed and being crowned king – Spent 11 chapters running for his life Understanding his Psalms Understanding his Psalms
Samuel’s Birth – Ch. 1 Born to a barren mother – Hannah Born to a barren mother – Hannah – Nazarite vow - ??? Remember from Judges – Once Samuel was weaned, he was to be given over to serve the Lord – Young, young age for Samuel to be separated from his mother
Samuel’s Calling – Ch. 2-3 Served under Judge/Priest Eli Served under Judge/Priest Eli – Eli had two sons that were turds 1 Samuel 2:12 – Also read the heading 1 Samuel 2:12 – Also read the heading God will rip the judgeship of Israel out of the hand’s of Eli’s family God will rip the judgeship of Israel out of the hand’s of Eli’s family – Whom then will he raise up? 1 Samuel 3 1 Samuel 3 “Here I am” “Here I am” 1 Samuel 3: Samuel 3:19-20
Eli’s Fall – Ch. 4 Ch. 4 – Israel vs. the Philistines (recurring villain) Ch. 4 – Israel vs. the Philistines (recurring villain) – Eli’s son lead Israel to battle with the Ark of the Covenant – Routed…why? – Eli hears word of the defeat and capture of the Ark and falls down dead – Israel left leaderless
The Ark’s Journey – Ch. 5-7 Ark was a spoil of war for the Philistines Ark was a spoil of war for the Philistines – Taken to their capital city, Ashdod then moved to Gath & Ekron – Placed in temple with their main god, Dagon – Philistines encountered a great plague until the Ark was returned
Israel’s Folly – Ch. 8 1 Samuel 8:4-5 1 Samuel 8:4-5 Samuel’s warning – Israel will regret the day they appoint a king Samuel’s warning – Israel will regret the day they appoint a king God agrees to have Samuel appoint for them a king God agrees to have Samuel appoint for them a king
A King is Anointed – Ch Why Saul was chosen: 1 Samuel 9:2 Why Saul was chosen: 1 Samuel 9:2
A Good Start – Ch. 11 Saul, in his first act as king, defeats the Ammonites Saul, in his first act as king, defeats the Ammonites Sacrifices to the Lord after his victory Sacrifices to the Lord after his victory Gains the loyalty of the Israelite people Gains the loyalty of the Israelite people
The Beginning of Saul’s End – Ch. 13 Saul goes out to war against the Philistines Saul goes out to war against the Philistines – Goes without consulting Samuel – Israel routed After the battle, Samuel sends word to wait for him and he will intercede with God for Saul After the battle, Samuel sends word to wait for him and he will intercede with God for Saul – Saul does not wait, makes sacrifice himself – 1 Samuel 13:13
Saul’s Rejection – Ch. 15 The Lord sends Saul out against the Amalekites The Lord sends Saul out against the Amalekites – Samuel tells Saul to not spare anyone or anything – Saul takes for himself the best livestock and keeps the king alive – Samuel again rebukes Saul for his failures – 1 Samuel 15:28
A New Beginning – Ch. 16 Because of Saul’s repeated failings, Samuel is sent to find a new king for Israel Because of Saul’s repeated failings, Samuel is sent to find a new king for Israel – 1 Samuel 16:13 Once David is anointed, the spirit of God leaves Saul, being replaced by an evil spirit Once David is anointed, the spirit of God leaves Saul, being replaced by an evil spirit – Seeks out David for his musical skill to soothe the evil spirit
David & Goliath – Ch. 17
Philistine CampIsraelite Camp
Saul’s Jealousy – Ch. 18 After the death of Goliath, Saul fears that the Israelites will give his kingdom to David After the death of Goliath, Saul fears that the Israelites will give his kingdom to David – Starts keeping David very close, even attempting to murder him twice – Finally, in order to incorporate David into his family, to keep his kingdom intact, he marries him off to his daughter Michal. – Backfires – Michal is devoted to David and Jonathan (Saul’s son) becomes BFF’s with David
David’s Exile Begins – Ch Saul again tries to kill David, but he is saved by Jonathan twice Saul again tries to kill David, but he is saved by Jonathan twice David then flees to Ramah, the home of Samuel David then flees to Ramah, the home of Samuel – This begins the years of David’s exile
Saul’s Madness – Ch. 22 David found refuge in the Levite city of Nob David found refuge in the Levite city of Nob – Saul found out David was there through a spy David told to leave by Ahimelech, priest at Nob David told to leave by Ahimelech, priest at Nob – Saul slaughters all the priests in Nob when they would not inform him of David’s location
Saul’s Pursuit of David – Ch During the course of Saul’s pursuit, David is given the upper hand During the course of Saul’s pursuit, David is given the upper hand – Saul takes 3,000 soldiers to find David – Find him he does, in a cave – David’s response?
Saul’s Final Transgression – Ch. 27 Within this time period, Samuel had died, leaving Israel without a spiritual leader Within this time period, Samuel had died, leaving Israel without a spiritual leader Again, Israel is attacked from the outside, causing Saul to seek guidance Again, Israel is attacked from the outside, causing Saul to seek guidance Goes up to a medium (witch) at Endor Goes up to a medium (witch) at Endor – She divines up for him the spirit of Samuel
The Death of Saul – Ch. 31 Philistines attack again, splitting Israel’s army Philistines attack again, splitting Israel’s army – Saul was wounded by archers Fell on his own sword Fell on his own sword – Among those also killed were Saul’s three sons, including Jonathan This leaves the throne abdicated and waiting for David to David to ascend This leaves the throne abdicated and waiting for David to David to ascend
2 Samuel Next Week!