Genesis 12:2 Reveals four things, God would do through Abraham. 1 I will make thee a great nation. 2 I will bless thee 3 I will make thy name great. 4 You will be a blessing.
I.ONE GODONE LAD This lad – became King David I Samuel 16:3 Shows Samuel going to the home of Jesse to anoint a King. The Spirit of God came upon David from his anointing.
One Lad How does scripture view this young lad? I Samuel 16:11 Youngest of Jesse’s eight sons. I Samuel 16:11 Keeper of Jesse’s sheep I Samuel 16:12 A ruddy boy, of beautiful countenance.
Power of One Lad We see the Power of a fifteen-year-old Lad who operates with God’s blessing. I Samuel 17:17-18 Jesse sends David with parched corn, ten loaves of bread and ten cheeses to his brothers camped with Saul
David and Goliath “The Power of One” A boy, a giant
I Samuel 17:32 This lad David, tells King Saul, “let no man’s heart fail; I will go and fight this Philistine. Saul’s response For thou art but a youth. Saul’s Failure He does not see what God sees. David, the lad’s, response to Goliath.
I Samuel 17:45 Thou comest to me with a sword, and with a spear and with a shield, but I come to thee in the name of the Lord of hosts, the God of the armies of Israel, whom thou hast defied. I Samuel 17:46 This day the Lord will deliver thee into mine hand. One Lad One God One Powerful Finish
One GodOne Man Saul of Tarsus Acts 8:1 Persecuted the early church Acts 8:3 Entered Christian homes and hauled men and women to prison. Acts 7:59 Present at the stoning of Stephen.
Acts 9:1& 2 Threatened the Disciples of Christ. Desired letters of the high priest to branch out to other cities, to persecute the early church. Acts 9:3-9 Confrontation with Christ on the road to Damascus, from this point on all Paul’s work is recorded in the New Testament.
ONE GOD ONE MAN Jonathan Saul’s son and David’s friend
Key to Jonathan’s Success “The Lord will work for us.” Jonathan’s Action Reveal Fearlessness Boldness Courage
ONE LORD ONE GOD ONE CHRISTIAN As Christians We must be fearless We must show Courage
What is God expecting to see in every Christian’s life? Fearlessness Boldness Courage
THE POWER OF ONE One Christian can make a difference, we must be fearless as Jonathan, we must be bold like the Lad David, and we must have courage despite the circumstances.