7 TH G RADERS W ELCOME ! 1. Row Leaders: Please pick- up folders. 2. Have a seat before the bell rings or you will be late. :O) 3. Get out your materials and prepare to write your agenda. -Thank you!
A QUICK REMINDER: Make sure all water breaks, bathroom breaks, pencil sharpening, backpack cleaning, etc… are done BEFORE the bell rings. Do not get out of your seat without permission. If you are eating, put it away or throw it away. Do NOT shoot trash into the trash can. Be ready to work and stay on task.
7 TH G RADE A GENDA T HURSDAY 1. Write your agendas 2. Do Warm-up (A.L. #3)* whip around 3. making requests (A.L. #3 cont…)* 4. Exit & whip around* HW: None Objective: SWBAT request information, a service, or an object using the verb “would” in a whip around. End of Next Week Objective: SWBAT write a persuasive letter to their parents arguing for a later curfew, a higher allowance, or more privileges. A.L.: 3.) CN & Sent Frames parts 1,2,3 5/12
A SSIGNMENT L OG #3 3.) CN & S ENT F RAMES PARTS 1,2,3 5/12 1. Do you need money? 2. If you needed money, whom would you ask? 3. How much money would you ask for? 4. Would you tell the person what you were planning to do with the money? *W RITE THE FOLLOWING QUESTIONS IN THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF YOUR C ORNELL NOTES, AND ANSWER THEM IN COMPLETE SENTENCES ON THE RIGHT. P ART 1 Think Write Pair Share / whip around
I D O : T EACHER S AMPLE H OW DO I ASK SOMEONE TO FULFILL A NEED ? (F OR WORK ) I would like (for you to)_________. I would like to request__________. I would like to ask _____________. I am asking for _______________. I am requesting ______________.
WE DO TOGETHER: HOW DO I ASK SOMEONE TO FULFILL A NEED? Let’s Brainstorm! What kinds of needs do you have? …for school? …for daily activities? …for sports? …for after-school activities? …to celebrate holidays? P ART 2 COPY DOWN THE FOLLOWING IN THE LEFT HAND SIDE OF YOUR CORNELL NOTES. Class brainstorm A SSIGNMENT L OG #3 3.) CN & S ENT F RAMES PARTS 1,2,3 5/12
W E D O T OGETHER : H OW DO I ASK SOMEONE TO FULFILL A NEED USING IDEAS FROM OUR BRAINSTORM ? I would like (for you to)_________. I would like to request__________. I would like to ask _____________. I am asking for _______________. I am requesting ______________. Think Write Pair Share / whip around P ART 3 A SSIGNMENT L OG #3 3.) CN & S ENT F RAMES PARTS 1,2,3 5/12
EXIT SLIP Y OU D O A LONE : H OW DO I ASK SOMEONE TO FULFILL A NEED AT SCHOOL? I would like (for you to)_________. I would like to request__________. I would like to ask ____________. I am asking for _______________. I am requesting ______________. Individual practice *COMPLETE ANY TWO OF THE FOLLOWING ON A SCRATCH SHEET OF PAPER.
W INDING D OWN *Class is almost over, so it is time to: 1. STAY IN YOUR SEATS!!! 2. Stamp A.L.s & folders 3. Recap: Did you accomplish this objective? Objective: SWBAT request information, a service, or an object using the verb “would” in a whip around. 4. Take out your exit slips to be checked 5. You will be dismissed when you are allowed to go.
M ATERIALS N EEDED STANDARD Negotiate solutions End of Next Week Objective: SWBAT write a persuasive letter to their parents arguing for a later curfew, a higher allowance, or more privileges.