The Nineveh tablets reveal a civilization 1000 years older than Babylonia...and neolithic life going back to 7000 BCE
Two great rivers were fed by the winter rains of Syria and the spring thaws of the snows of the Taurus and Zagros mts : life-giving but unpredictable
Marshland and swampland
How was Mesopotamia transformed around 3200 BC?
Each city was believed to be the property of an individual god
U.S. soldiers, 2010
Religion was the central force: Explained the workings of nature Eased the fear of death United people in a common view Bolstered the authority of rulers Justified rules and morality Promoted creativity in art, literature and science
The functions of the temple priest class: >Anticipated the god's desires > Interpreted their actions > Soothing their wrath with prayer and sacrifice > collected taxes > coordinated all economic activity
How did Mesopotamians define the purpose of man’s existence?
Why did a mood of pessimism, uncertainty and anxiety pervade the Sumerian psyche? Frequent floods and droughts Windstorms The gods were unpredictable
Sumerian women: role and rights depended on the city-state, their social status and changed over time. > high born were literate > commoners were occupied with child- rearing and household duties > little individualism-daughter or wife > rulers of city-states- rare but possible > could inherit and own property > ran their own businesses > freedom of movement in the marketplace > arranged marriages-dowry/bride price >extra-marital affairs not uncommon > divorce was possible > singers in temples and palaces were highly regarded
How did King Sargon ( BCE ) earn a place in our history books?
The Akkadian Empire 2350 – 2100 BCE
Third Dynasty of Ur… Ur-Nammu, BC
The Code of Hammurabi > 8 ft column of basalt inscribed with an engraving of the king receiving the laws from the god Marduk; a prologue (advertisement for Hammurabi's greatness!) and 282 decisions- the law code itself. Why were King Hammurabi's law codes obeyed?
The Hittites, 1600 bc bc
examples of Hittite iron swords…
A Phoenician sailing vessel
The Phoenician Alphabet, circa 1400 bc
The Hebrews Monotheism Removed the gods from nature Assertion of human dignity 10 Commandments