Highlights of the Staff Survey 2011 Cheryl Kershaw Director of Surveys and Research
Introduction – Methodology – Participation – Employee engagement measures – Year on year changes – Areas for improvement – Areas of strength – Employee engagement index
Survey Participation and Response Rates in 2011
Response Rates
Response Rates
Comparisons with other universities
6 top scores (5 are statistically significantly different) 79 scores above the median (52 were statistically significantly different) 22 scores on or around the ‘norm’ i.e. median 41 below the median (22 were statistically significantly different) 2 of the lowest scores in the benchmark group Benchmarking with 37 other universities
Employee Engagement
What is Employee Engagement … It’s all about:.. getting employees to “give it their all” - commitment.. employees as advocates – ambassadors for the employer.. becoming an employer of choice.. improving productivity and quality of services …morale
Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result) Question Northumbria University 2011 HEI Norm Agree % Statistically Significant Difference Agree % Q1.3 My immediate manager helps me find a good work-life balance78%74%Yes Q2.1 The University is a good place to work90%91%No Q2.3 My motivation at work is generally high84%86%No Q2.6 I feel part of the University80%77%Yes Q2.7 I feel valued by the University56% No Q2.9 I feel valued by students/customers92%86%Yes Q3.1 I feel the University delivers good quality service to students and other customers 92%85%Yes Q3.6 I understand what the values of the University are78%81%No Q3.9 I feel proud to work for the University89% No Q3.11b Would you recommend the University to a friend...as a place to work? 75% No
Employee Engagement (High Score is a good result) Question Northumbria University 2011 HEI Norm Agree % Statistically Significant Difference Agree % Q4.1a The Vice-Chancellor's Executive Group...manage and lead the University well (excludes don’t knows) 73%72%No Q5.2 I am satisfied with my current role and level of responsibility72%74%No Q6.2h My team leader/line manager/immediate supervisor...keeps me informed about things I should know about 76%74%No Q7.2 Have you had an appraisal in the last 12 months?73%83%Yes Q9.4 I feel fairly paid for the work I do74%68%Yes Q10.4e I feel safe and secure in my working environment94%93%No Q11.1 Do you know how to report accidents and incidents?71%68%Yes Q12.3 I am satisfied with the support I get from my immediate manager 81%78%Yes Q15.2a On the whole, communication in the University is effective67%63%Yes Q17.4 I am satisfied with my current level of learning and development 72%71%No
Employee Engagement (Low Score is a good result) Question Northumbria University 2011 HEI Norm Agree % Statistically Significant Difference Agree % Q12.11 Overall I feel unduly stressed at work25%28%Yes Q13.1 Do you feel you are currently being harassed or bullied at work? 4%5%No Q14.6 Have you felt discriminated against at work in the last 12 months? 8%10%Yes Q18.1 I often think about leaving the University29%35%Yes Q19.10 Generally...more could be done to help staff prepare for and cope with change 71%74%Yes
Year on Year Comparison
A year-on-year comparison of questions which can be measured has revealed 95 issues were statistically significantly different; – 19 issues deteriorated – 76 issues had improved
Top Improvements Question 2011 Agree (%) 2008 Agree (%) Difference (Percentage Points) Q11.3a Have you received any health and safety training in the last 12 months? (e.g. Fire training, lifting and handling, COSHH, etc.)? 71%30%41% Q10.4g I have a place I can go for rest or recreation at work 59%46%13% Q16.6b I feel there is good co-operation and collaboration...between different departments 51%39%12% Q3.10b I feel the University is doing a good job of...retaining its most talented people 55%45%10% Q15.2c On the whole, the different parts of the University communicate effectively with each other 44%35%9% Q6.2i My team leader/line manager/immediate supervisor...deals with poor performance effectively 67%59%8% Q1.1 I am able to work regular working hours without any problems82%74%8% Q17.1 My development needs are regularly reviewed61%53%8% Q4.1g The Vice-Chancellor's Executive Group...build strong, co-operative links with other organisations 54%47%7% Q1.2 The University provides good support to help me balance my work and personal commitments 76%69%7% Q1.3 My immediate manager helps me find a good work-life balance 78%71%7% Q10.4a I have a comfortable work space (including temperature, lighting, etc.)67%60%7% Q5.7 I have enough freedom to do what is necessary to put students/customers first every time 70%63%7%
Deteriorations Question 2011 Agree (%) 2008 Agree (%) Difference (Percentage Points) Q5.11 I feel that too many approvals are needed for routine decisions75%62%13% Q19.4 I believe that recent changes have delivered business improvements50%63%-13% Q19.5 I believe that recent changes have had a positive impact49%62%-13% Q19.11 Generally...I have seen some positive changes in the last 12 months65%76%-11% Q3.8 The values of the University are moving in a direction that I support70%79%-9% Q4.1a The Vice-Chancellor's Executive Group...manage and lead the University well40%49%-9% Q4.1c The Vice-Chancellor's Executive Group...supports new ideas for improving services for students/customers 39%48%-9% Q17.6 In the past 12 months, have you taken part in any type of training, learning or development paid for or provided by the University? 73%81%-8% Q2.10 I feel my job security at the University is good73%80%-7% Q19.8 Generally...the process of change causes me concern and worry44%38%6% Q19.12 Generally...I think things will improve in the next 12 months54%60%-6% Q19.13 Generally...I think that senior management will act on the results of this survey50%56%-6% Q18.3 As soon as I can find another job, I will leave the University16%12%4% Q18.5 I feel that there are opportunities for career progression for me in the University45%49%-4% Q9.5 The University offers good pension schemes (e.g. Local Government Pension, Teachers' Pension and Universities Superannuation Schemes) 94%97%-3% Q4.1e The Vice-Chancellor's Executive Group... are focused on meeting the needs of students/customers 57%60%-3% Q17.5a I am able to access learning and development opportunities (even if I don't take them up) that further improve...my professional skills 81%84%-3% Q18.2 I will probably look for a new job in the next 12 months26%23%3% Q19.7 Generally...change within the University is managed well59%62%-3%
Areas for Improvement
Areas for improvement Workload and bureaucracy Managing change Staff who are considering leaving and career progression Communication Leadership/visibility of senior managers
Workload and bureaucracy
Managing change
Considering leaving & career progression
Senior management
Staff’s comments and suggestions for improvement Communication (610 respondents) Feeling valued/supported (484 respondents) Job satisfaction (411 respondents) Relationships/cooperation (394 respondents) Management – immediate and local (376 respondents)
Areas of strength
Areas of Strength Staffs’ most positive perceptions Pay and benefitsQuality service Clarity of roles and responsibilities Working together Equality and diversityWork life balance ManagementFeeling valued Working environmentLearning and development Job satisfaction
Pay and benefits
Equality and diversity
Working environment
Quality service
Working together
Work life balance
Feeling valued
Staff’s comments on what they like about working at Northumbria University Job satisfaction (769 respondents) Pay and benefits (746 respondents) Relationships/cooperation (687 respondents) Feeling valued/supported (450 respondents) Job security (367 respondents)
Employer of Choice
Employer of choice
Employee Engagement Index (KPI) at 3.41 in 2011 (was 3.21 in 2008). A score of 3.00 or above indicates an organisation to be considered an Employer of Choice. Responses relating to the questions on whether ‘the organisation is a good place to work’ are generally linked to staff views of what might happen in the next 12 months and what has happened in the last 12 months. How change is managed, communicated and explained in the organisation is key to maintaining good employee engagement and avoiding ‘survivor syndrome’ in businesses where significant change takes place.
Focus for 2012 Actions Workload and bureaucracy Managing change Staff who are considering leaving and career progression Communication Leadership/visibility of senior managers