Reform’s Crusade: The Progressive Era, " November 8, 2011
“were like the man with the Muck-rake constantly refusing to see aught that is lofty and fixing his eyes with solemn intentness only on that which is vile and debasing.” -- Theodore Roosevelt, 1906
“Excavator on Mile 52 being pulled by traction-engine, plow side.” August 8, 1904 Records of the Office of the Chief of Engineers
Coal Miners, Hazelton PA Logging in the Adirondacks
Child laborer, Newberry, South Carolina, Photo by Lewis Hine, National Child Labor Committee
Why was congestion a problem? Hester Street, New York City, 1903.
Immigrants arriving at the Immigrant Building, Ellis Island, New York Harbor, Library of Congress
Bohemian Cigar Makers at Work in Their Tenement Dens of Death Jacob Riis’s How the Other Half Live
Hull House Allen B. Pond, "The 'Settlement House,'" part 1, The Brickbuilder 11, no. 7 (July 1902): 143.
Nurses Settlement House, Richmond Virginia "The work of these nurses is largely instructive…teaching the people the art of keeping clean, the care of the sick, and the benefits of fresh air….The mission of the nurses is one of help, health and comfort, teaching people how to live. They are not allowed to interfere with religious beliefs, and visit all alike without question of creed or color."
Woxie Haury, Cheyenne Woman
1912, Boys Tulalip Indian School 1912, Kitchen Girls Tulalip Indian School
Women’s Home and Foreign Missionary Society
Hiram Johnson Photographs, c California State Archives, Sacramento, California “A contest for freedom… from William H. Herrin and the Southern pacific Company, who have debauched, polluted and corrupted our state.” “While I do not by any means believe the initiative, the referendum, and the recall are the panacea for all our political ills, yet they do give to the electorate the power of action when desired, and they do place in the hands of the people the means by which to protect themselves. -- Hiram Johnson
Progressive Platform, 1912