Environment Protection (Waste to Resources) Policy TIANA NAIRN November 08
Proposed Waste to Resources EPP Will support and expand the regulatory framework to assist in achieving SA’s Strategic Plan and SA’s Waste Strategy’s waste targets
Key outcomes Improve resource recovery and reduce disposal to landfill. Environmental benefits. Minimise or eliminate the environmental risk of waste management. Broaden the responsibility for waste management amongst stakeholders. Create opportunities for industry sectors to work with the EPA to achieve certainty regarding expected behaviours. Consistency and transparency in the assessment of waste management and resource recovery activities.
EPP features Material declared to be waste Waste management objective Unlawful disposal of waste Resource recovery prior to disposal to landfill Prohibited landfill wastes (ie landfill bans) Waste transport obligations Unlicensed activities involving listed wastes Medical waste Management of HCBs, OCPs and PCBs Codes of practice Design, construction and operational standards
Waste management objective To achieve sustainable waste management by applying the waste management hierarchy consistently with the principles of ecologically sustainable development. Waste management should also: –Promote best practice and accountability –Include effective recording, monitoring and reporting systems –Promote environmental responsibility and involvement in waste avoidance, minimisation and management within the community
Unlawful disposal of waste Only a limited range of options will be acceptable for the disposal of waste. In all other cases, disposal will be unlawful. ‘Disposal’ is defined broadly to enable capture of inappropriate stockpiling also. The clause is structured so that it can capture anyone in the disposal chain as appropriate – land owners or occupiers, transporters, others who have caused the disposal of the waste.
Resource recovery prior to landfill From 2 years after EPP commences, waste from Metro Adelaide (with some exceptions) must be subject to resource recovery prior to disposal at landfill. Otherwise, a landfill disposal certificate must be issued specifying that the waste is: (a)residual waste from an appropriate resource recovery process; or (b)waste (that was aggregated for resource recovery) that is not in a condition suitable for reasonably available resource recovery processes. Mandatory provisions apply to all causing the disposal of the waste and landfill operators.
Prohibited landfill wastes Mandatory provisions are proposed for the disposal of banned wastes and the receipt of such wastes at landfill. Propose staged bans to enable recovery infrastructure to develop as appropriate. Banned wastes may be disposed of to landfill with a disposal certificate for aggregated waste for recovery that is not in a condition suitable for reasonably available resource recovery processes. Exemptions are possible without public consultation.
Project progress After consultation has been undertaken: the Authority prepares a response to submissions and makes the response available for inspection; Authority reports to the Minister on the EPP; Minister may approve the EPP (with or without amendments); Governor may then declare the EPP to be authorised by notice in the Gazette. EPP is laid before both Houses of Parliament. The EPP may be disallowed or ERD Committee may recommend amendments.