Primary Color cannot be mixed
Intermediate Color primary+secondary color
Primary color cannot be mixed
Secondary color Yellow+Blue
Primary Color Cannot be mixed
Red Yellow Blue
Secondary Color red+yellow
Secondary Color blue+red
Orange Green Violet
Blue-violet Blue-Green Red-Orange Red-Violet Yellow-Green Yellow-Orange
Primary color+Primary color+ Secondary color
Red Yellow Blue
Primary + Primary color
Radial, Symetrical, Asymetrical
Shapes are flat; circle, square Forms have volume; sphere, cube
Texture you can see but not feel ( drawn texture) Texture seen but can not be felt.. It may be drawn
Texture you can see and feel
A Picture you make of yourself
Higher up on paper, smaller in size, farthest away, things in the back
Portrait is a picture of a person
Lower section of paper, closest to you. Largest in size. Stuff in the front
Middle of paper, middle in size, middle in distance
Line that separate the sky from the ground
Picture of scenery
Picture of items put together for purpose of drawing
Special attention given to an item in a work of art
Graphic Designer
Interior Designer
To be able to walk around a 3-d piece of art
Straight, horizontal, vertical, diagonal, curly, wavy, dotted, bent,
Artwork made by attaching various materials to a surface; to put together
Two lines same distant apart all the way through
Two lines intersecting at 90degree angles
Up and down
Lines from upper corner to opposite lower corner
An element of art that refers to lightness or darkness
the feeling that all parts of a piece are working together
specific area or point of convergence that draws the viewer’s attention first
Clay don’t walk, clay don’t talk, clay don’t fly
Any color plus black
Any color plus white
A print in which ink or paint is applied to a flat surface and paper laid upon it to make a print which will be one-of-a-kind
Symbol for a word or group of words
Piece of art made of dots
Outer edge of an object
An exercise in art education commonly used a warm- up; A gesture line refers to a line made with loose movements, using the large muscles of the arm rather than with the small muscles of the hand and wrist. A gesture drawing refers to a drawing done quickly to capture movement.
Art Criticism
Opposites on the color wheel
One color plus all of its shades and tints
A Collection of works of art